The Lebanese version of “Au claire de la lune”, a famous French lullaby!

First of all, if you are francophone or francophile with a good memory, chances are you can still know how to sing the famous “Au Claire de la lune” lullaby you learned from your loved ones or from school.

Bambi has fond memories of her now 26-year-old nephew Michael who was born in Montreal. At the time of this story, he was a toddler. His mom (hi Roula :)) checked on him after putting him to sleep. Well, when she did so, she caught him waving to the moon, through the window, whilst telling it: “Au revoir Lune” (or good-bye Moon, in English :)), before closing his eyes to sleep. Cute, isn’t it?!

Well, first, here is the lullaby (in case you forgot it or do not know the French version of “Under the Moonlight“):

Finally, just to make you smile (and perhaps sing like Bambi did?), here is the Lebanese amusing version of “Au Claire de la Lune“! Bambi discovered it whilst working, thanks to her preferred Lebanese-American internet radio.

Who knows? Just like Michael, perhaps those funny singers enjoyed chatting with the moon when they were young boys :)?


Mr. Richard Martineau: “Can’t take it anymore”! [« Plus capable!»]

Everyday, we (and Québeckers in particular!) are bombarded with messages of being bad, of being racist, of being discriminators.

What a POWERFUL article by Mr. Martineau. Merci/Thank you.

Like this journalist, Bambi is fed up.

Enough is more than enough!

Below is a quick translation of Mr. Martineau’s article published yesterday in the Journal de Montréal:

“A message to all those who take advantage of the forums offered to them to say that Québeckers are racist, intolerant, narrow-minded, chauvinist, sectarian, cautious, and closed to others.

If you find life so hard in Québec.

If you think Québec is such a terrible place.

If you are in so much pain.

Go, what the hell!

Jump on a plane and go to milder skies!

We’re not holding you back…

Shame on Amnesty International

I think I am correct when I say that I am not the only one who is fed up with these insults.

For some time now, it seems like the one who will hit the hardest on the head of Québeckers.

Until Amnesty International gets down to it, claiming in an odious ad that Québeckers discriminate against all those who are not called Tremblay or Roy!

Don’t you have dictatorships to condemn, dear friends of Amnesty? Political prisoners to be released? Torturers to denounce?

The people of Québec are among the most welcoming ones in the world.

Talk to the Haitians we have welcomed with open arms. To Vietnamese boat people. To the Chileans who fled the Pinochet dictatorship.

To the Algerians who chose to move here because they were fed up with the Islamists.

And to the Iraqis, yes, Adib, the Iraqis who came here so that they could finally live in peace and see their children thrive, be successful, shine – and, who knows? maybe even fill halls and be applauded at Sunday High Mass by French-speaking white Catholics who will treat them as friends, compatriots and equals” [Bambi will allow herself to add the following: Mr. Adib Alkhalideh, a famous artist, told viewers of Radio-Canada, the French CBC, that he feels “humiliated” in “Ville Saint-Laurent” where he resides and “on TV”. Funny as Bambi lived there for 15 years. She has cousins and friends who happily still reside there. The last time she checked, no one was “oppressed” or “microaggressed”, regardless of his/her mother tongue, religion, or other parts of their complex identities). Mind you, this part of Montreal has been tenderly called “Saint-Liban” (Saint Lebanon), as it is filled with all sorts of old and recent immigrants from all over the world, mostly from this tiny Mediterranean Arab country].

“Fed up with seeing people who have taken full advantage of the generosity and openness of Québeckers to, once settled in, spit in our face.

The bare minimum

All you are being asked is to speak our language and not to wave your religion like a flag when you work for the state and you are an authority figure.

Is it so appalling?

Do you know any regions of the world where it is as good to live as here?

I imagine if your home country was so beautiful, so egalitarian, so generous, if it defended the rights of its citizens so well and if it treated its minorities so well, you would not have decided to leave everything to settle here, thousands of kilometres from your native land, from your parents, from your friends.

Would it be too much to ask you to take advantage of your forums to praise our generosity, sometimes? Our benevolence? Our clemency? Our charity? Our openness?

We are not asking for much. Just stop dragging us through the mud.

We are a minority.

And a minority is fragile.

It is quite normal that we want to protect our culture, our language, our ways and customs.

Do you know all the struggles, all the fights that our parents, our grandparents and our great-grandparents had to lead so we can still be here?

Integration is a two-lane highway. We have duties to you.

But you have them toward us too.”

Why are a Canadian university student, a faculty member, and our state media turning us into the Soviet Union?

If you think Bambi is exaggerating, please take the time to watch the CBC video within this article?

It is entitled “University students, faculty push for anti-bias training“.

The faculty member interviewed, called Dr. Nadia Abu Zahra, even uses the term “anti-oppression“. Wow :)!

Does her language make any sense to you, in all honesty?

In all her non-politically correct honesty, Bambi is no longer surprised to see the deepening level of our collective insanity in our Canada and world. She is just sad about it.

When will all this stop?

Perhaps it would be more constructive to society to consider defunding the CBC, instead of our police?

November 22, 2020: Lebanon’s Independence Day… without a new government

Today is the Lebanese Independence Day.

A day filled with mixed emotions. From patriotic love to pride, from sadness to hope… and back to love of a country that is struggling to exist, even if it is there to stay, rise, and shine again!

Independence from whom? From what?

How can we be truly independent of regional forces some have aligned Lebanon with to a suffocating extent?

How can we be truly independent when we have so many crises to deal with?

How can we really be independent when we have a government morally and financially corrupt… and bankrupt?

How can we be independent when our loyalty is more to an ideology than to our country?

Ironically, Independence Day # 77 seems to be about the independence of the Lebanese population from its disconnected mafia-like government…. whilst awaiting the true independence from the internal militia forces controlling it?

“Cancer” of “systemic racism” “ingrained in several systems in NB”: Did Minister Arlene Dunn speak in her own name or is this where our government is heading?

Here is the CBC article that told us about the words of the Honourable Ms. Dunn:

Why is she using these buzz words, regardless of her plan or response to the request for a public inquiry?

Why is she doing this to her province and country?

Why can’t she have her own mind and not repeat the latest slogans of our world?

By the way, why is she minimizing cancer as as potentially fatal chronic health condition?

As a proud New Brunswicker and as an old immigrant of 30-years who lived in three different Canadian provinces, her choice of words is a turn off for Bambi and it will be to many of the potential newcomers to our beautiful province.

People from birth countries filled with deadly or silly ideologies are allergic to the “systemic” collective stupidity of our times.

MANY of them, traditionally Liberal voters, moved from those parties that endorse political correctness to that extent. They just want to preserve both their sanity and their beautiful new country.

They want to work hard and earn a living.

They want to be/remain as free as possible.

They do not want to be at the mercy of the control of systemic silly ideologies.

Yes, racism exists and it will always exist. Yes, we need to address and prevent it.

However, to tell Bambi that all our systems are “ingrained” with “systemic racism“, she does not buy it, sorry.

She has been involved in several of our systems and she has not observed any cancer (only the cancer of political correctness or collective insanity of our times).

Is it wise to Lebanonize Canada?

A quick reaction to the following CBC article:

Today, Mr. Trudeau warned us about the high numbers of coronavirus cases. He even wisely psychologically prepared us a while ago for the necessity to cancel our large Chritsmas gatherings.

Why don’t we listen to him and to Dr. Tam? And to our local Premiers and their experts? Why don’t we listen to the increasing statistics here and there… and everywhere?

First of all, it would be wise not to resort to demonstrations and to sit-ins, especially in hot spots, regardless of the noble cause of the time.

Second, in this particular story unfolding in Ottawa, the demonstration in question is against the so-called “systemic” racism.

Without knowing all the details of this story, and again regardless of the good intentions of our youth wanting a better just world, Bambi feels like commenting on two particular points:

ONE: The following sentence by the demonstrators: ” The Crown’s cowardly decision not to appeal officially sanctions police violence and white supremacy against Black, Indigenous and People of Colour and people with disabilities in Ottawa.”

Isn’t this sentence perhaps a stereotype of its own? Please take the time to read it twice, as Bambi did. In all honesty, does it make sense to you?

Why are we once again emptying words from their sense and amalgamating all these beautiful folks together? Is this sentence a sort of a victimhood contest? Or jointly, the victimhood status is even holier… or the police is nastier? Bambi is asking, even if she is supposed to be included in the sentence, as a “deer of colour” .

SECOND: Bambi is concerned by the demands of the demonstrators because, in the longer term, it could result in an outcome comparable to one of Lebanon’s serious security problems: The existence of pockets of “no-law” zones where the Lebanese police and army are afraid to enter. When they do so, blood is shed.

Is this what these demonstrators want for their capital/country?

Taken from the CBC article above.

Specifically, in Bambi’s non-expert citizen opinion, demand # 1 combined to demand # 2 are not only unrealistic. Taken together, they are a formula for a national disaster.

No citizen with common sense likes to see the police slipping up or abusing it power. We all benefit from a well-reformed police service. We all win when there is harmony between the police and the public.

This being said, let’s not fool ourselves, our society is safer when it has police services.

This is why Bambi prefers our legitimate, far from perfect, police services to any other alternative(s) because its mission is to keep us safe. She is saying so based on a 17-year second life in tiny Lebanon out of which 15 years of her childhood and teenage years where spent in an ugly civil war.

In Bambi personal, non-expert citizen’s opinion, our PM did not set the wisest example to young Ottawa (and Canadian) citizens when he took the knee with the crowd. Ironically, in his picture that toured the world, one could see that he was being protected by police officers :)). Yet, despite the faux-pas, Bambi hopes to see Mr. Trudeau using both wisdom and compassion (i.e., as a father and former teacher) to help the demonstrators come to their senses?

To conclude this post, yes it is possible to demand improved police forces, but without throwing the baby with the bathwater!

Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté: “Kids Help Phone’s racist temptation” [“La tentation raciste de Jeunesse, J’écoute”]

Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté’s article was published in the Journal de Montréal last week:

Here is quick translation by Bambi…

The article begins with the following tweet from the organization in question (since then, it has been deleted under pressure of the remaining Québeckers with common sense).

The tweet above means the following: “There are many things that you can do as a young white, to recognize your privilege and fight against racism as a ally to racialized persons in Canada. Learn more about this”.

In that same tweet, under the girl’s picture, the words read as follows: “Being white, what should I know about white privilege? –

Under this weird tweet, Dr. Bock Côté’s original French article includes a sentence that reads as follows: “Kids Help Phone uses the plight of teenagers to force an anti-white discourse.”

Like the author, Bambi finds this tweet not only racist and disgusting, but also incredibly sad. What ideologies are we brainwashing our young kids with? Who is funding this? Or no need for funding anymore, the brainwashing is too deep?

This being said (Bambi could not help it!), let’s go back to Dr. Bock-Côté’s article….

“The story begins on Twitter. I was snooping around on Tuesday when I came across a tweet from Kids Help Phone, the pan-Canadian organization that claims to offer a listening ear to anxious and distressed youth. It’s a noble mission, of course.

But Kids Help Phone took advantage of this tweet to push young “whites” to acknowledge their “white privilege” in a guilt-ridden fashion. The tweet led to the organization’s website, where there was a page featuring racialist slogans that recast anti-racism on white hatred, in addition to making the latter the highest form of love of humanity. Being white is wrong, it’s dirty. Do you get it?” [In Bambi’s mind, all this is meant to divide the American society further, likely to weaken it and even create a strife… a bit like the sad story of Lebanon during its ugly civil war. Americans must be smart enough to be lucid. Only lucidity can help counter evil forces].


I am rarely surprised by this kind of news. For a long time, I have studied the question of multiculturalism and political correctness in all their dimensions, and I see coming what we modestly call their excesses. But this time, I confess my surprise. I had never imagined that an organization meant to serve young people in distress without embarrassment would instrumentalize their woes in the most abject manner. I was disgusted. Taking advantage of a teenager’s distress to force him/her to swallow the woke potion and the political correctness is lousy.

I imagine the scene. A young man phones Kids Help Phone. He confesses his pain of living to the telephone operator, who stops him. – Are you white? – Yes. – You must recognize your white privilege! Just by the colour of your skin, you participate in systemic racism. Repent, become an ally of minorities! – Uh, but I’m really not well, I’m calling you because … – Shut up ! When you’re white, you shut up, if not you talk just to criticize yourself. Then the youngster hangs up.

On social media, the reaction was fierce to the point where Kids Help Phone deleted its tweet and removed the “white privilege” page from its site. Simple common sense? I’d rather bet on the fear or funk. Of course, I archived everything in screenshots. Above all, do not claim victory too quickly. Because many discovered at the same time that Télé-Québec is promoting propaganda and indoctrination videos intended for schools to “explain” to students the concepts of “white privilege” and “systemic racism”.

Let’s also not forget all the other courses that teach them to feel microaggressed. in all circumstances, leading to situations like the one we experienced at the University of Ottawa recently.


We then wonder why “young people” repeat these slogans. But because they are at the heart of the American ideological porridge that they are constantly given to consume! The political leader who will clearly assume the fight against political correctness and its repeated ideological aggressions will find wide support in an exasperated population [this is precisely why a classical liberal like Bambi found herself voting for Mr. Bernier at the last federal elections. Like Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté and likely like a large silent minority, she is fed up]. I insist: he should not resist it passively, but fight it frankly. Québeckers have the right to demand that we stop funding those who spit on them out of their taxes.“.

Rebel News: “Dominion Voting shares office with far-left George Soros linked group”

Whether you are allergic to populist Mr. Trump or not, whether you like/dislike the unscrupulous Soros of our world or not, you may want to watch this video by Mr. Keean Bexte, journalist with Rebel News (story updated:

If this is not a coincidence, it is rather worrisome regardless of the elections outcomes in any democratic country, not just the USA, and at least according to Bambi’s non-expert citizen’s opinion.

To conclude this post on a lighter note, perhaps this or similar “companies” could become even richer by helping Lebanese politicians who enjoy recycling themselves endlessly since the end of civil war. Mind you, recycling is usually ecological (except in corrupt politics :)).

Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté: Steven Guilbeault against freedom of expression? [Steven Guilbeault contre la liberté d’expression?]

Below is a quick translation of Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté’s article published today in the Journal de Montréal:

“The freedom of expression feud made its way into “Tout le monde en parle” [it means Everybody’s Talking and it is a Radio-Canada TV show] Sunday night.

Asked to comment on the debate surrounding the censorship of La petite vie [a very funny and famous old TV show], Steven Guilbeault [[] went there with this startling statement: “Our right ends where someone else’s hurt begins.”


This statement is serious and I have to ask him a few questions to invite him to clarify his thinking. Otherwise we will have to find that he has just submitted to the “tyranny of the susceptible.”

Let’s start: if a man feels hurt by a critical speech about his religion, is he entitled to ask that the one holding him be silenced?

If he feels hurt by the use of a word in an academic context, can he demand the dismissal of a professor?

If he doesn’t like a show from 25 years ago, can he ask to be taken off the air?

Surprise question: if I feel hurt by the delusional discourse of the activists of the systemic racism lobby against the Québec people, am I entitled to ask them to finally stop? If not, am I to conclude that some communities have a greater right not to be harmed than others?


The issue of freedom of expression is not complicated. Apart from defamation and the call for violence, nothing should be prohibited [Bambi will allow herself to add here that she fully agrees. Indeed,  if you wish, you can insult her small size, her ethnolinguistic background, her religion and the religion of all those she is related to and there are many of them!]. This does not prevent being polite and respecting the rules of decency. No one in Québec is claiming the right to insult blacks, for example.

But pronouncing the title of a book should never be considered indecent or an insult, no matter what the hypersensitive may say.

Stop pretending that the issue is elsewhere.

And no “community” should have the right to impose its definition of blasphemy on the whole of society” [Bambi agrees, contrary to Ms. Ségolène Royal’s words in France yesterday].