The Lebanese version of “Au claire de la lune”, a famous French lullaby!

First of all, if you are francophone or francophile with a good memory, chances are you can still know how to sing the famous “Au Claire de la lune” lullaby you learned from your loved ones or from school.

Bambi has fond memories of her now 26-year-old nephew Michael who was born in Montreal. At the time of this story, he was a toddler. His mom (hi Roula :)) checked on him after putting him to sleep. Well, when she did so, she caught him waving to the moon, through the window, whilst telling it: “Au revoir Lune” (or good-bye Moon, in English :)), before closing his eyes to sleep. Cute, isn’t it?!

Well, first, here is the lullaby (in case you forgot it or do not know the French version of “Under the Moonlight“):

Finally, just to make you smile (and perhaps sing like Bambi did?), here is the Lebanese amusing version of “Au Claire de la Lune“! Bambi discovered it whilst working, thanks to her preferred Lebanese-American internet radio.

Who knows? Just like Michael, perhaps those funny singers enjoyed chatting with the moon when they were young boys :)?


2 thoughts on “The Lebanese version of “Au claire de la lune”, a famous French lullaby!”

    1. Too funny! Mmm, you are giving Bambi an idea Valérie. She will eventually post on the folkloric Lebanese Dabke :). Thanks!

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