Thank you Mr. Champagne (= Canada) for urging Turkey “to stay out of the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict” ( https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/nagorno-karabakh-canada-turkey-champagne-1.5758068 ).
Thanks for “clearly” encouraging Turkey as well as other nations “to deescalate the conflict and encourage close ally Azerbaijan to take part in peace talks” (https://www.reuters.com/article/armenia-azerbaijan-canada-int-idUSKBN26U2ES).
Why do nations engage in wars when, at the end of the day, they always have to come back to diplomacy to end armed conflicts?
Why do they let negotiations get out of control?
Can’t we all learn to be be wiser/more efficient in trying to solve (or prevent) our conflicts through negotiations and logic?
Why do we have to impose violence on innocent populations across the world?
Why don’t we give verbal communication a more serious chance to work in the first place?
Violence is absurd.
Bloodshed sadly leads to more bloodshed.
Best wishes to all the influential countries coming together soon to help stop this bloodshed (safe travels Mr. Champagne :)).
Bambi is with peace and love…Today, she saw herself in the foreign policy line of our Trudeau government [with which she does not always necessarily agree with its approach to other (internal) matters].
Thank you/Merci Canada for allowing Bambi and her friends (who also love peace and love) to see a light of hope. Bambi is particularly happy to see Turkey (+ other powers) being told: Enough is enough… It was about time.