Since when education and discipline are “(systematically) discriminatory and racist”?

We learned the following from a CBC article: “Ontario to end ‘discriminatory’ practice of academic streaming in Grade 9” (meaning “academic” or “applied”) or AND “a ban on suspensions for younger students” because, according to the Ontario Ministry of Education, this “practice… has been shown to disproportionately impact Black students”:

So, if educators can no longer discipline younger kids when they have to AND if there is no police (abolished/defunded, etc.) to intervene with our youth when they commit delinquent acts, will our societies be safer? And wiser?

Why are we doing this to those so-called black students AND their parents who kill themselves to offer them a good education and to discipline them, as needed?

When we raise children, we offer them love AND discipline.

Because we love, we discipline.

Without discipline, love is not enough.

When we no longer can put limits to our children, we do not do them a favour in their healthy development. We do not do a favour to our society in the long-term.

Is that the vision of the Ontario government for itself and for its country?

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