Mr. Trudeau’s Tweet from today:

First, this “Charter of Rights and Freedom” was never signed by the province of Québec (it was rather imposed on it).
Mind you, Québec had its own Charter, adopted seven years earlier that this charter. How many Canadians know this? For the record, you can read an old article by Ms. Josée Legault in the Journal de Montréal from 2017:
An English translation below (thanks Google Translate :)):
Second, Mr. Trudeau…. “Rights and Freedom”? Did Bambi hear the last word well: “Freedom”, right?
Below is an earlier post with her thoughts written in the form of an open letter to Mr. Dominic Leblanc: In the name of our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, please do not let Covid-19 be a political opportunity to curtail freedom of expression!
More than ever our journalists need that freedom of expression (many may have to look for new jobs after the pandemic crisis?). For our own sanity and for the sake of democracy in our world, everyone needs it. Yes, we need it for us Canadians… and we also need it in order to keep giving hope to other nations living under dictatorships. Can we please keep being a beacon of freedom and hope to the rest of the world, Mr. Trudeau?