Covid-19: After 70 years of existence, surviving a civil war and a pre-pandemic national financial crisis, Le Bristol Hotel shuts down in Beirut

Taken from the 961 (published on April 18, 2020)

This five-star hotel survived a long and devastating civil war.

It became even a symbol of peace. Indeed, it was a sort of tribune longing for peace in the middle of the barbaric civil war, welcoming politicians during endless crisis talks. Thus, this closure is symbolically moving…

Here is the website of the Le Bristol in Beirut, Lebanon:

According to the Daily Star (April 18, 2020), “Prince Albert of Monaco, Princess Soraya of Iran and famous Syrian poet Nizar Kabbani, who was a regular at the hotel, are some of the well-known figures who chose Le Bristol during their visits to Lebanon”:

Below, you can find a promotional video of the hotel. Best wishes to its soon-to-be former staff… In a normal country, we would have been reassured to know that these “laid-off employees will receive pensions according to the Ministry of Labor standards”. However, Lebanon is far from being the norm (thank goodness for other countries). When received, these employees’ pensions will be paid in Lebanese pounds. The latter has been in a scary free fall, even before the Covid-19 pandemic.

To conclude this post, knowing the tenacity of the Lebanese people, this business will perhaps revive one day? Who knows?

Best wishes to all the businesses of the world, smaller and larger ones, in poorer and richer countries.

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