Ms. Sophie Durocher: “Is Trudeau making fun of us?” [“Est-ce que Trudeau se moque de nous?”]

First, here is Ms. Durocher’s article published today in the Journal de Montréal:

Second, here is a translation of her article:

We are told to stay home, except for essential travel.

We are told especially not to go to a second home.

We are told not to change regions, and a fortiori, NOT to change provinces.

Where was Prime Minister Trudeau yesterday to celebrate Easter?

At the PM chalet, at Lake Harrington… in Québec.

We also imagine that he did not leave alone in his car. In other terms, a convoy of personnel (security and everything) moved from Ottawa to Harrington Lake.

In total violation of EVERYTHING the government has told us since the start of containment.

Justin Trudeau does the opposite of what he tells us to do.

That he is at the chalet is one thing.

But let his wife Sophie boast about it on Instagram, showing us photos of the smiling little family hunting for Easter coconuts, while our elders are bathed in brown matter that has nothing to do with the chocolate, it tastes a little indecent.

Why don’t we show a little restraint in public? [in French-Canadian, it reads as ” on se garde une petite gêne.” By the way, the article continues after the picture, taken from Ms. Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau’s social media]

A picture taken from the Journal de Montréal (April 13, 2020)

While the average citizen gets traffic tickets if he plays ball with his child in his yard, the PM can cross borders to go and stick to the Easter Bunny.

Isn’t he supposed to lead by example?

And when Sophie tells us that she spends time doing “a bit of housework/cooking and cleaning”, is she laughing at us? Do you really think the PM’s wife is scrubbing toilet bowls?

On the social media, the rage does not rebound. “PM’s wife decides to taunt Canadians in confinement, some of whom mourn the death of a loved one, while showing everyone that she is above the law.”

Conservative Dave Blackburn is absolutely right to write on Facebook:

DO WHAT I SAY, NOT WHAT I DO … Justin Trudeau shows us, once again, that he thinks he is above everyone by going from Ottawa in Ontario to Chelsea in Quebec to go to his “chalet” …

While the people are confined in their houses/apartments, without having the right to move between regions, Justin Trudeau crosses from one province to another without any problem.

As far as I know, there is nothing “essential” about going to relax at Lac Mousseau in Gatineau Park.

He seems not to understand the sentence he has been saying to us every day for 1 month: Stay at home!

So, Justin Trudeau, it should apply too! # leadershipfailure “

You will tell me that Justin Trudeau has not seen his children since March 30, when Sophie and the children left for the chalet? But how many Canadians have not seen their families, their own children since the start of confinement? How many health care workers have not seen their own children?

And you, how long has it been since you took your mother, father, son, daughter, or spouse in your arms”?”

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