“Prototype yourself with Dr. Mirella De Civita”

What an inspiring interview with Dr. De Civita by Ms. Isil from “Unique Careers, Unique Lives“! If you are looking for a wise use of your time during this COVID-19 pandemic, Bambi highly recommends the podcast below.

For Bambi, listening to this podcast was clearly more informative, inspiring, and surely less frustrating than some daily press conferences. It was therapeutic, in comparison :). Seriously, Bambi made up her mind. As of tomorrow, she will stop listening to press conferences from Ottawa in order to keep feeling zen whilst working. She will keep listening to NB press conferences. They do have a nicer effect on her deer’s body :).

To come back to Dr. Mirella De Civita, thank you for sharing your wisdom combined to your knowledge and life experiences, both joyful and tragic. Your words are filled with authenticity combined with practical intelligence. Bambi liked how you talked about the merit of being flexible in life to allow ourselves the freedom of more choices. She smiled to the example from your childhood :).

As usual, perhaps even more than ever, Bambi has learned so much from you.

Please be SAFE, you and your family, and keep up the great work!

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