Even our Federal Health Minister, Ms. Hajdu, does not know the definition of a pandemic

By definition, a pandemic is “global” (a word likely so appealing to both Hadju and her boss ?), to which she added that it will require a global response.

Well, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH), “a pandemic is an epidemic of disease, or other health condition, that occurs over a widespread area (multiple countries or continents) and usually affects a sizeable part of the population” (https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/understanding-hiv-aids/glossary/545/pandemic).

Perhaps later stages of a pandemic would likely require even more coordinated global efforts (i.e., when we get to a vaccine stage, etc.). This being said, one must consult data of other countries and from the World Health Organization (WHO) at all times, that is before, during early and throughout a pandemic, as well as after it ends.

However, one must know how to look at data with a critical eye and a grain of salt.

Obviously, not one of Ms. Hajdu’s strengths as she literally said:

“There is no indication that the data that came out of China in terms of the infection rate and their death rate was falsified in any way” – Health Minister Hajdu

Again, more ideology than science. Luckily there is Dr. Tam in the Public Health Canada team ?.

Now more seriously, Ms. Hajdu recognized the following: “Canada likely did not stockpile enough masks, other protective equipment”(https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/canada-likely-did-not-stockpile-enough-masks-other-protective-equipment-health-minister-1.4877856).

Plus, Canada sent medical equipment to China earlier on…


So, whose fault is that? Trudeau, Hajdu, or a predecessor?

Who should resign over this public health negligence, after the pandemic is over?

Who is putting his people first here, the PM of Canada or the President of the USA?

Bambi is not particularly fond of Mr. Trump with his often silly or vulgar language… however, after waking up, he seems to be using his power to ensure a production of medical equipment for his own people. Should we blame him for that? He is thinking of America before any other nation, even his neighbours… oups, quite the opposite of what Mr. Trudeau did actually.

If we extrapolate from nations to individuals, in a survival mode, we think of ourselves (and our families) first before our neighbours. If we care too much for others, we may die.

Bambi hopes Canadians will remember this when they will be called to vote again in the future. In her case, she does not need to remember anything.

Because of Mr. Trudeau, she did not vote Liberal in the last election… as she has always done.

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