Even tiny bankrupt countries are smartly and generously engaged in the ferocious combat against coronavirus

First, here is a video showing the Lebanese army’s helicopters flying all over the country with messages reminding people to stay at home for their safety AND for the safety of others. It also reminded them of the legal measures that would be taken against violators. Fines can reach up to LL100,000 (about CAD$100) and even up to 3 months in jail. Good to know, as enough carelessness by some is enough.

Second, bravo to the generosity of the Lebanese people in the middle of their double crisis, financial/economic and now this pandemic. Of note, they participated in an MTV telethon raising about CAD $24K in just one show.

Despite the concern, it is reassuring to see a great team effort among the governmental authorities (doing an excellent job, despite an initial delay), the Lebanese Red cross (i.e., well trained to respond to pandemics), private health entities (hospitals and their labs) in coordination with the UNRWA (for the Palestinian refugees), and even if Bambi did not read it about it, likely/hopefully with other instances of the UN (for the Syrian refugees), and in collaboration with the VAST majority of the citizens (sadly, a tiny minority of individuals seems to insist to defy viruses and death).

As the Lebanese Interior Minister said yesterday in all honesty: “may God help us NOW (things are are starting to get out of control) and help us especially in the days ahead (the scary unknown)”.

A baby was delivered yesterday in the COVID-19 emergency room by C-section. Sadly, a Lebanese traveller died yesterday in Ghana (just like Canada lost a citizen in Japan due to COVID-19’s complications). If the data are accurate, this unlucky man would be the first or second case in this African country: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html).

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