Whilst working and listening to the radio on the internet, Bambi heard a moving song about Beirut (the one below) interpreted by a beautiful male voice. She took a quick break to search the web trying to find this piece and uncover the man behind the voice. This is how she came across Ms. Talia Lahoud playing the guitar and singing.
What a moving talent. Indeed, she cannot help not to share her discovery with you, hoping you will enjoy it too.
The first video is about a famous song for Beirut by Feiruz (sub-titled in English). It was written during the Lebanese civil war:
The second song below, also sub-titled in English, is dedicated by Ms. Talia Lahoud to all the countries of the world. It is called “Mawtini” and it literally means my homeland.
If Bambi understands well, this has been the national anthem of Palestine at one point in time and then of Iraq. What a moving poem! What a superb music. According to a Wikipedia page, “It is a popular poem written by the Palestinian poet ʾIbrāhīm Ṭūqān in 1934 and composed by the Lebanese composer Muhammed Flayfil” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mawtini_(Ibrahim_Tuqan_song):
Last but surely not the least, the third piece is John Lennon’s “Imagine”. No need for introductions obviously. Of note, Ms. Lahoud sings it in both English and Arabic (her Lebanese Arabic version whilst the two songs above are in Standard Arabic):
Thank you Ms. Lahoud for your talent. Please keep nurturing it and generously sharing with us!
Mind you, Bambi is particularly moved to see (and imagine you also) singing in the entrance of your building in Beirut. Who knows? Perhaps you are a neighbour of her parents? Or maybe one of her sisters ?? Neighbours or not, from the same birth country or not, we are all surely relatives in humanity. The latter knows no boundaries.