Mr. Mike George was featured on Huddol’s Lifecast this week, that is in November 2019:
He is the father of the amazing Ben who recently graduated from UNB Saint John!

Mike George & his spouse Jan co-founded Soaring Families in 2015 to support anyone who cares for a loved one with complex care needs due to a chronic health condition or a disability.
Dr. Mirella De Civita is the President of Papillon MDC Inc. (Montréal, Québec).
Her background is in medicine ( Postdoctoral Fellowship in Behavioral Medicine, McGill University) and psychology (PhD from the Université de Montréal). Among her numerous accomplishments is an inspiring book entitled “The Courage to Fall Into Life: The Tao of Purposeful Existence” .
She was featured on a podcast, recorded in August, aired in November, 2019.
Bambi listened to these two enriching podcasts yesterday whilst working.
She is thankful for both Mr. George and Dr. De Civita for the inspiration.
As a father, as a caregiver, as an entrepreneur, and as a human being, Mr. George is a true leader. Along with Dr. De Civita, he shares authenticity, talent, and wisdom.
Bambi is convinced that her colleagues, one from NB and one from Québec, will enjoy listening to each other’s podcasts!
Whilst listening to Dr. De Civita, Bambi learned about leaders, about why some are bad, and what to do when we have to deal with bad leaders.
Ironically, she could not help not to think of bad political leaders (not just business leaders). She was amused when this was also brought up by the interviewer.
Dr De Civita also talked about coaching and clinical psychology. She also shared her observations of women, as leaders.
Bambi hopes you will take the time to listen… and simply enjoy. She also hopes this can help people in need of support.
If you happen to know anyone, please do share!