Here are the two pieces of good news from Saudi Arabia:
Bambi is relieved to know that Mr. Raif Badawi (and other prisoners) will no longer get this brutal treatment, called flagellation. She also hopes Saudi Arabia will finally release him to his family in Québec, Canada. Bambi feels for him, especially since she has started her blog (he was accused of insulting religion, as a blogger).
Bambi is for the freedom of practising one’s religion whilst being for the freedom of being a non-believer or a non-observant, even with faith. Yes, as human beings, we are absolutely free to believe or not, whether in a God or in another “truth” (e.g., any religion or apocalyptic claims about climate change, including “burning houses” :)).
To conclude this post, Bambi has always been against death penalty. In her mind, this would apply to anyone… Imagine if it is for youth? Of course, not everyone could be rehabilitated in life. A minority of extreme cases will remain hopeless (e.g. the Paul Bernardos, Luke Magnottas, or Russel Williams, and other types of psychopaths of the world, etc.). Even them deserve a fair trial, as lawyers say.
Anyhow, to come back to Saudi Arabia, which applies the Sharia law, this is a significant change. Bravo, good luck in the implementation, and please keep it up!