A Fugain/Delanoë song from Bambi to grieving Nova Scotians, along with “Before & After Covid-19” wise words from Mr. Mike George

Yes, in the middle of a Covid-19 pandemic, our neighbouring province of Nova Scotia is mourning following a senseless carnage (https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/18-dead-plus-the-shooter-in-nova-scotia-rampage-1.4903398).

Sadly, 18 victims+ lost their lives ☹, including devoted community members like an RCMP police officer (+ a mother), two nurses (one serving elderly people), two correction officers, a teacher, family of three, and many more (still identified):


Bambi is speechless… like all of us.

She joins her heart to all the grieving families, local community members, sister province, Atlantic Canada, and our whole country!

If she may, she would like to dedicate a song to everyone touched by this senseless tragedy, and especially to those who lost their lives.

This beautiful French song, written in 1967 by Mr. Pierre Delanoë for Mr. Michel Fugain, tells us how much life is short… even in 100 years, we will not have enough time to fully live, love, and dream.

So, imagine, when our life ends SO abruptly like that…

Anyhow, below you can find an English translation of the lyrics, followed by a link to the song entitled “I will not have time” [“Je n’aurai pas le temps”].
No time
While running
Faster than the wind
Faster than time
I will not have time
No time
To visit
All the vastness
From such a big universe
Even in a hundred years
I will not have time
To do everything
I open my heart wide
I love with all my eyes
It’s not enough
For so many hearts
And so many flowers
Thousands of days
It’s way too short
It’s way too short
To love
As one must love
When we really love
In a hundred years
I will not have time
No time
I will not have time
No time”

This being said, Bambi would like to end this post on a positive note. Thank you again, Mr. Mike George (Ben’s dad), from Soaring Families, for your thoughtful piece of wisdom about life “before & after Covid-19”.

Once again, Bambi enjoyed listening to your comforting words. In addition to your advice, she learned that soon you will become a grandfather. Bravo/Congrats ?!

To conclude, Bambi hopes you/your family will find the video helpful. Below, she added the website of Soaring Families, which assists “families impacted by a serious health condition or disability”.


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