Mr. Mario Pelchat: thank you for your uplifting song entitled “Croire” [Believe]!

This evening, and almost accidently, Bambi discovered Mr. Mario Pelchat’s beautiful French-Canadian song entitled “Croire” [Believe], which is all about what is essential in our lives. Of course, beliefs are a personal matter. We all believe in something, in someone. Some of us may be disconnected from our beliefs yet we can re-embrace them “to live again”, as the song goes. This brief musical post features this song, along with a quick English translation of its lyrics. Thanks to Mr. Google Translate for his assistance. As for Mr. Pelchat, may he keep singing and inspiring us.

Believe in the beauty of the world

In the goodness of men

Believe in the deep truth

And believe that everything is forgiven

Believe in the summer sun

To the path that must be followed

Knowing that time heals us

And believe in humanity

Oh believe in lost love

In dreams, in a child

May this hope be from the fall of heaven

Or spring

Believe it for just a moment

It’s still living

To believe is to live again

To believe is to live again

​Believe in guitar chords

With melodies that make you laugh

Say that the end

Is just a departure

For paths to the future

Believe in the earth beneath our feet

Raise a glass to friendship

Hope for just one day

That we can love each other

Without breaking

Oh believe in lost love

In dreams, in a child

May this hope be from the fall of heaven

Or spring

Believe it for just a moment

It’s still living

To believe is to live again

To believe is to live again

To survive my tears

I believed in other lives elsewhere

When the night slows down my wounds

A better world

A better world

Oh believe in lost love

In dreams, in a child

May this hope be from the fall of heaven

Or spring

Believe it for just a moment

It’s still living

To believe is to live again

To believe is to live again

To believe is to live again

To believe is to live again“.

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