L’Orient Today: “13 sentenced to death for homosexuality in Yemen”

Thank you L’Orient Today for informing of the following horrible forthcoming public crimes against innocent Yemeni gay men : “A Houthi-run court in Yemen has sentenced 13 people to public execution on homosexuality charges, a judicial source said Tuesday, as human rights groups decried a rise in abuses by the Iran-backed rebels” (https://rb.gy/ema36z). Does anyone care about them?

3 thoughts on “L’Orient Today: “13 sentenced to death for homosexuality in Yemen””

  1. Unfortunately they are still living in the 15th century. Especially now since Iran is controlling by proxy Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon

    1. Indeed, Iran is doing this to the entire region. True, they seem to still live in a different era. Dark times currently and ahead, Bambi is afraid.

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