Christmas is magical time, not just for children.
Indeed, if we want to, Christmas is perhaps the season when we feel the most connected to our inner child, regardless of our chronological age.
For those of us who happen to have children, grandchildren or beloved young kids present in our lives, we even connect with the cute Santa of our own childhood. We even become Santa ourselves.
We cook for loved ones [the “we” excludes deer :)].
We spend time with family and friends.
We remember and cherish our childhood memories.
We offer our loved ones quality time and meaningful gifts. They offer us time and care.
We happily sing Christmas carols.
We may even enjoy watching cheesy Christmas movies [Bambi indulged in the latter almost year-around :)].
By the way, a few days ago, Bambi watched a sweet Hannukah movie on YouTube. It was fun too.
Those of us who are of the Christian faith (not just culturally), we might go to church to enjoy welcoming Jesus, the most desired baby of love in the world.
After all, the joy about the birth of Jesus is the essence of all what Christmas is about.
If we are of the Jewish faith, this year Hannukah starts on the evening of Christmas Day. It ends on January 2nd, 2025.
Call this another reason to celebrate the same idea of light in a rather dark world.
Even if we are not from a Judeo-Christian cultural heritage and, especially if we are not into the virtue signalling of our modern forms of sectarianism like wokeism, we celebrate Christmas with joy. No need for cultural killjoys or even cultural suicide attempts. In other terms, no need to cancel the spirit of Christmas.
Yes, we do not feel the need to stop singing for Santa, and even for Jesus at least on his birth, at our school and daycare so-called Christmas concerts, which resemble anything but their traditional beautiful names. Despite any apparent good intention with such practices, aren’t Canada’s current times sad, not just absurd?
As a contrast to the above, Bambi is now remembering all the people in her birth country who used to rush to decorate their houses at Christmas, even before those who happen to be spiritually Christians. Thankfully, in countries like Lebanon people still wish each other Merry Christmas. They do not feel the need to wish each other the neutral Happy Holidays, despite the 18 different religious sects of Lebanon.
All the above being said, Bambi will stop her own thoughts about Christmas now. She will conclude this post by leaving you with a few songs. She hopes you will enjoy them as much as she did.