Christmas is around the corner!

Christmas is magical time, not just for children.

Indeed, if we want to, Christmas is perhaps the season when we feel the most connected to our inner child, regardless of our chronological age.

For those of us who happen to have children, grandchildren or beloved young kids present in our lives, we even connect with the cute Santa of our own childhood. We even become Santa ourselves.

We cook for loved ones [the “we” excludes deer :)].

We spend time with family and friends.

We remember and cherish our childhood memories.

We offer our loved ones quality time and meaningful gifts. They offer us time and care.

We happily sing Christmas carols.

We may even enjoy watching cheesy Christmas movies [Bambi indulged in the latter almost year-around :)].

By the way, a few days ago, Bambi watched a sweet Hannukah movie on YouTube. It was fun too.

Those of us who are of the Christian faith (not just culturally), we might go to church to enjoy welcoming Jesus, the most desired baby of love in the world.

After all, the joy about the birth of Jesus is the essence of all what Christmas is about.

If we are of the Jewish faith, this year Hannukah starts on the evening of Christmas Day. It ends on January 2nd, 2025.

Call this another reason to celebrate the same idea of light in a rather dark world.

Even if we are not from a Judeo-Christian cultural heritage and, especially if we are not into the virtue signalling of our modern forms of sectarianism like wokeism, we celebrate Christmas with joy. No need for cultural killjoys or even cultural suicide attempts. In other terms, no need to cancel the spirit of Christmas.

Yes, we do not feel the need to stop singing for Santa, and even for Jesus at least on his birth, at our school and daycare so-called Christmas concerts, which resemble anything but their traditional beautiful names. Despite any apparent good intention with such practices, aren’t Canada’s current times sad, not just absurd?

As a contrast to the above, Bambi is now remembering all the people in her birth country who used to rush to decorate their houses at Christmas, even before those who happen to be spiritually Christians. Thankfully, in countries like Lebanon people still wish each other Merry Christmas. They do not feel the need to wish each other the neutral Happy Holidays, despite the 18 different religious sects of Lebanon.

All the above being said, Bambi will stop her own thoughts about Christmas now. She will conclude this post by leaving you with a few songs. She hopes you will enjoy them as much as she did.

“Stitched’N CUTE”: The best choice to shop a personalized gift for your loved ones year-around!

Bambi is excited to share with you a name and a social media address to remember if you want to spoil a loved with with a personalized gift!

What is Stitched’N CUTE?

Stitched’N CUTE is a relatively still new yet blooming business, which is physically located in Montreal, but active online. Indeed, it currently delivers across Québec, Canada, and even the United States.

As you can see on the Stitched’N CUTE Instagram page (, there are many products to chose from for all occasions. Depending on the clientele’s needs, personalized item could have writings in different languages (e.g., French, English, Arabic, etc.).

Examples of the Stitched’N CUTE products may be personalized Christmas ornaments, Christmas baskets, hoodies, tote bags, beach towels, house towels, kitchen towels (e.g. with a bottle of wine!), tea towels, balloons, cards, etc.

Recently, Stitched’N CUTE participated in Christmas markets. It also keeps delivering orders to events like high school graduations, proposal, weddings, gender reveal parties, baptism, first communions, other/different religious or cultural events, seasonal celebrations (fall, summer, etc.), seasons of love (Valentine’s Day,) etc.

You name your need or the need of your community and Stitched’N CUTE will be there for you. In addition, there are different new exciting ideas of products to come. Stay tuned!

At the end of this post, you can see a few pictures of Stitched’N CUTE beautiful products.

Who owns Stitched’N CUTE?

Stitched’N CUTE is the brainchild of a gifted owner, Ms. Nicole Kadado. Her unfolding story of creativity speaks volumes about her talent that she successfully turned into business since October 2023.

Ms. Kadado, or Nicole, has always loved offering thoughtful gifts to her loved ones. When we are blessed to know Nicole personally, or even be related to her like Bambi is, we are not surprised by the spirit of her business.

Indeed, caring for others and making them feel good is what Nicole is all about, surely what she stands for. Her beautiful values are well reflected in business idea and in the way she is managing Stitched’N CUTE.

Of note, Nicole has enjoyed creativity since her children were young. Now that they are adults, she took the initiative of making her dream come true.

Driven by a remarkable sense of entrepreneurship, for Nicole, “nothing is impossible when we have a dream“. With both professionalism and devotion, she has nurtured her dream despite/in addition to an already highly busy life. Yes, she made it happen and she enjoys managing it while envisioning its growth. Her hopeful message to potential entrepreneurs is to believe in their dreams. Then they will do what it takes to make it possible. Of course, this being said, one must have a business plan for goal planning, a wise management, and for problem solving.

What can Bambi add about Stitched’N CUTE?

From her observations, both as an interviewer and as a recent client, Bambi witnessed the care, along with the attention to details, that the owner of this business puts in planning designing, and executing her creations. Bravo Nicole, thanks for being who you are (Bambi loves you ❤️), and a continuous success to your inspiring Stitched’N CUTE.

Indeed, Nicole intuitively understands and genuinely honours what her customers want. She puts herself not only in her clients’ shoes, but also most significantly in their gift receivers. She offers choices while working first and last with her client’s own preferences.

Bambi does not know about you, dear readers, but for her there is pleasure in offering a gift to a loved one (perhaps more than receiving a gift and trust that she also enjoys the latter). Imagine when the gift we are choosing for someone we care about is personalized with a name, logo, saying, a language or with whatever is meaningful to the receiver.

To conclude this post, Stitched’N CUTE offers high quality products at an affordable price. As per the title of this post, it is indeed the best choice to shop a personalized gift for your loved ones year-around. Long live this much needed and exciting business!

A picture provided by Ms. Kadado.
A picture provided by Ms. Kadado.
A picture provided by Ms. Kadado.
A picture provided by Ms. Kadado.
A screenshot provided by Ms. Kadado.
A picture provided by Ms. Kadado.
A picture provided by Ms. Kadado.
A picture provided by Ms. Kadado.

Mr. Richard Martineau: When the male accused calls himself “female accused” [“Quand l’accusé se dit “accusée”]

Merci/Thank you, Mr. Richard Martineau, for your column in the Journal de Montréal ( about the shocking triple murder of Ms. Synthia Bussieres and of her sons. May their souls rest in peace…

Below, and with the assistance of Mr. Google Translate, you can find a quick translation of Mr. Martineau’s article:

When the male accused calls himself “female accused”

I have a problem with self-identification…

Did you follow the trial of Mohamad Al Ballouz who is accused of killing his wife and two children?

All it took was for the accused to get up one day and identify himself as a woman for everyone, including the judge, the clerk and journalists, to refer to him as “she”.

Well, from today onwards, I would like that whenever there is mention of me in the newspapers, you would write “Richard Martineau the Africain”.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

On other days, it would be “Richard Martineau, King of Babylon.”

Because that’s how I feel now.

Respect my feelings, please.


I’m not an expert of gender dysphoria, but it seems to me that there’s quite a difference between an individual who takes hormonal treatment and goes under the scalpel and an individual who gets up one morning and says, “Okay, that’s it, I changed gender!”

The first is a lot more serious, let’s say.

He thought about his business.

He even went so far as to sacrifice parts of his body to achieve his dream and feel good about himself.

The other just changed his hat.

Call a man who has undergone sex reassignment surgery “she”, no problem, I can live with that.

The guy had his balls removed! And the Popeye! He had breasts inserted!

You have to be determined!

Sure of your business!

But a man who just puts a wig on his head?

To be able to serve her sentence in a women’s penitentiary, where detention conditions are less harsh?


Ultimately, I would say that it is a lack of respect for people who have really changed their sex.

It’s not because you decide to walk on your knees that people will say that you suffer from dwarfism.

Do you want to be called a swimmer?

Well, start by jumping into the pool.

If you can’t do that, sorry, you can walk around in Speedos all day, I won’t get on your trip.


This concept of self-identification is one of the most ridiculous things I have heard in my life.

In 20 years, when we will talk about this time when hyper-serious people called a 6-foot-5 bearded guy equipped to stay up late “ma’am,” we’re going to wonder if there wasn’t LSD in our water reserves.

So, “woman” now is just a noun, right?

Doesn’t that mean anything anymore?

I just have to say: “I am a woman” for the authorities to change my status on all my official papers?

Can I do this with my race?

My age?

In my head I feel like a 45 year old man, could you change my date of birth on my passport, please?

Even to change religion, you have to take courses for months and prove that you are “sincere” in your approach!

What strange times!”

Mr. Sarkis Barsemian, a gifted Canadian tenor: Bambi is now a fan!

All day long, Bambi had two songs on her mind while working. One of them was “Si Dieu existe” by Mr. Claude Dubois. She could not go to sleep now without listening to, and singing with, the latter and many other artists featured on YouTube.

Thankfully, she took the time to do that because it made her find Mr. Sarkis Barsemian ( Do you happen to know him? His voice is unique and so beautiful. What a great musical discovery!

Of note, Mr. Barsemian, a graduate of Music from McGill University, performed different opera roles. He has been a guest soloist with several Canadian symphony orchestras ( In 1999, he won the first prize at the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), for the National Chapter Auditions in Montreal. He also received the second prize at the NATS 21st Eastern Regions Auditions in New York (

Bravo to Mr. Barsemian for his talent and impressive achievements. Long live his career!

To Doudou & Roula: long live their love!

Vive l’amour!

Roula met Doudou when she was only 13.

They were both biking in their Beirut neighbourhood’s public garden during civil war.

Yes, love can blossom even in the middle of blood and fire.

Ten years later, Doudou and Roula got married on a snowy day in Québec’s Montreal.

They have two adorable adult children, Michael and Nicolas.

In addition to family and friends, they also have eternal Kayla, their dog in heaven, along with their cutest cat Dino who lightens up their lives.

And today happens to be their wedding anniversary.

They are highlighting it in Beirut, which has seen darkness once again.

Yes, love can survive multiple Lebanese tragedies as well as migration in both directions.

Another reason for the Douglas to celebrate is that they are on the way to become grandparents for he first time in early 2025. YAY!

As for Bambi, she is blessed in many ways by their presence in her life, as her family.

Yes, Roula is her sister since she came to the world while Doudou became her brother since she was 9 years old.

Another exciting blessing for her is that, thanks to their son Michael (and his beautiful wife Stéphanie), she will soon become a great aunt. Can you imagine her joy and pride?

“Mabrouk” [congrats] to Doudou and Roula ❤️! Long live their growing family of love ❤️!

Thanks to Dr. Gábor Lukács for testifying before the House of Common’s Standing Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities!

As airline consumers, we are blessed to have Dr. Gábor Lukács, President of Air Passenger Rights (, Canada’s independent, non-profit, organization of volunteers.

Yesterday, Dr. Lukács testified before the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities. In a five-minute testimony, he spoke about “Cabinet’s failure to use its powers to put an end to junk fees in air travel“. Bravo!

Yes, thank you to the independent, devoted, and highly talented Dr. Lukács.

Merci/thank you as well to the committee in question and best wishes.

May the Cabinet take a courageously wise decision. Indeed, living is already highly expensive in Canada without junk fees in air travel. It would be timely to apply fairness in the protection of passengers.

L’Orient Le Jour tells us about Beirut: “What truce are we talking about when the nightmare continues” [De quelle trêve parle-t-on, quand le cauchemar continue”?

Bambi keeps thinking about the people of her birth country. They have been going through unbelievable adversity since 2019.

From massive migration to Lebanon, to great migration out of it due to a financial crash of historical proportions, a political crisis/vacuum, a pandemic like the rest of the world, the surreal Beirut explosion, a cruel Israel-Hezbollah war, and to the current scary (or hopeful if we want to be optimistic) additional uncertainty as a result of the MAJOR, and overdue, change in Syria.

Bearing the above in mind, many thanks to L’Orient Le Jour (OLJ) for its latest 8-minute-long and poignant podcast shared below, which is sub-titled in both English and French.

Of note, this podcast is described on YouTube with the following moving words: “Where has my whole life gone? “. This question is the one raised by a Lebanese who lived in Choueifate, in the south of Beirut, after having seen, live, via a video call with his concierge, the destruction of his building by an Israeli bombing. “You watch your house burn, the building collapse, the fire, the falling stones and the pieces of glass… At that moment, the memories come flooding back. My memories… Where are my memories? » Despite the ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel, which he does not believe in anyway, he does not see the end of the nightmare into which he was plunged during this war. He tells us his moving story and shares his sorrows, as well as those of his family, after losing “the fruit of a lifetime of work”.

Why is Pope Francis (wrongly) politicizing baby Jesus?

Bambi learned yesterday that Pope Francis presented a Vatican nativity exhibit, which featured baby Jesus sleeping wrapped on a kaffiyeh scarf (;

The kaffiyeh scarf is not any piece of tissue, given that it is highly charged politically speaking. It is often worn by genuine supporters of the Palestinian cause (some Jewish even). The kaffiyeh scarf is also sadly worn at times by some who may be addicted to virtue signalling, without substance, regardless of the cause of the day. Last but not least, the kaffiyeh scarf is also found around the neck of those whose mouth lately publicly expressed impolite slogans like “F… Israel AND F… Germany”.

Why is the Vatican, or at least its Pope, now politicizing the birth of baby Jesus who was actually Jewish, that is clearly neither Christian nor Muslim? Instead, he was simply referred to as Jesus of Nazareth. Thus, he was surely not linked to neither the State of Israel nor to Palestine (thankfully… and at the same time Jesus is filled with love for all). Stated differently, any biblical reference to Israel is usually meant to be about its meaning of “Chosen people“. Jesus came from this source since his parents were Jewish.

Of note, the birth of Jesus is supposed to be about humanity, love, and potential for redemption for ALL. This means that baby Jesus is surely not about tribalism or narrow-mindedness in historical conflicts.

Decades later, Jesus gave his life on the cross, which was his ultimate gesture of a selfless and unconditional love, to the extent of self-sacrifice, for ALL people.

In other terms, through death and resurrection, at least for those who believe in him as being the Messiah, Jesus made it possible for ALL people to be in an eternal loving relationship with God, if they wish.

Luckily, despite this odd story from the the Vatican, it is reassuring that Pope Francis seems to recall that “Jesus was born, lived, and died as a Jew” (

Despite the Jewish identity of Jesus, it would not only be accurate, but also wise, if the Vatican’s Jesus does not wear neither a kippah (also known as a yamaka, yarmulke, and a koppel) nor a kaffiyeh on his baby’s head. He would then be more easily perceived as being at an equal distance from all human beings, including those from the Middle East.