Once again, NO to violence to any place of worship in Canada, including synagogues.
As Rabbi Lisa Grushcow expressed in her bilingual message: “enough in enough: stand against hate“.
In addition to Rabbi Grushcow’s Facebook written message, you may wish to watch her brief video, if you are interested (https://tinyurl.com/yt8mbs25).

Of note, Emanu-El-Beth Sholom temple is a beautiful community described as follows on its own website: “We draw on Judaism’s wisdom to nourish a spiritual, educational, and cultural community. We also reach beyond our walls, taking pride in building bridges, promoting dialogue, and creating a world of justice and peace: the work we call Tikkun Olam” (https://tinyurl.com/59tp6fn6; https://tinyurl.com/mr3pjvvf).
For those who do not know it, “tikkun” refers to “healing” in Hebrew. It literally means “repairing the world” [“Tikkun Olam”]. This beautiful Jewish concept is deeply rooted in social justice.
Bearing the above in mind, isn’t it sad to vandalize the building of such peaceful synagogue with a swastika graffiti (https://shorturl.at/fs5z; https://tinyurl.com/3ypwvmtd)?
When it is not a Jewish girl school being shot at in Toronto, it is a synagogue being attacked in Montreal, Winnipeg, and elsewhere.
Why are our fellow citizens of Jewish ancestry being intimidated again and again?
When will this pattern of criminal vandalism end in our country and abroad?