McGill University: How can vandals “free Palestine” by smashing its windows and scaring its students while they write an exam? And why didn’t the police arrest anyone yet?

After reading about this story (, Bambi could not help not to ask the two questions of the title. While waiting for an answer, especially with regard to the second one, here is a song for you, dear readers.

3 thoughts on “McGill University: How can vandals “free Palestine” by smashing its windows and scaring its students while they write an exam? And why didn’t the police arrest anyone yet?”

  1. Because it’s not about injustice. This great paper:

    suggests that a segment of activists uses their cause as a pretense to exercise violence to satisfy their own ego-focused needs and that they don’t actually care about social justice and equality. The authors elaborate that “certain forms of activism might provide them with opportunities for positive self-presentation and displays of moral superiority to gain social status, to dominate others, and to engage in social conflicts and aggression to satisfy their need for thrill seeking”

    It’s all to cause chaos while pretend to be righteous. I cited this in my book.

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