Mr. Marc Hervieux: thanks for singing Aznavour’s “Mourir d’aimer” [To Die of Love] with much talent!

This post and the two preceding ones have a common double theme of affection and gratefulness in friendships, families, and in love.

Yes, love. Maybe because after all we are in the month of February : ).

Talking about love, have you ever felt that your heart, filled with passion and affection might “die… of love”?

Well, Mr. Charles Aznavour’s original French version of the song “Mourir d’aimer” is all about love, but not any type of love. It is specifically about an impossible love.

Maybe Aznavour’s famous song is tragic because it was originally inspired by a true case of a sad love story ( Yet, his powerful lyrics easily make us forget about any heart’s tragedy. Indeed, his song can foster fantasies of nourishing and uplifting connections.

From the original French version of the song, Bambi particularly likes the following lyrics:

Let’s leave the world to its problems. Hateful people facing each other. With their small ideas. Let’s die of love“.

As for the later English version shared below (along with German and Spanish), Bambi appreciates the following words:

This world of ours does not grow younger, Some die of illness, some of hunger. I stand before eternity, to die of love.

That’s why I try to find a way now. I only live from day to day now. Because it’s possible you see, to die of love”.

May Mr. Charles Aznavour’s memory be eternal. As for Mr. Marc Hervieux, Canada/Québec are richer with his talent.

Long live music and long live love in all its forms and shapes, from universal love to mutual affections and/or shared passions.

2 thoughts on “Mr. Marc Hervieux: thanks for singing Aznavour’s “Mourir d’aimer” [To Die of Love] with much talent!”

  1. I will be cramming “Let’s leave the world to its problems. Hateful people facing each other. With their small ideas. Let’s die of love“. between my ears today!

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