Mr. Jimmy Carter joined his wife in heaven. May he rest in peace (https://shorturl.at/6Zd55).
Yes, “peace” like the one he had dared to envision for the Middle East and for the world.
May his family members and his staff at the Carter Center (https://shorturl.at/Gom9t) find comfort and inner peace. May his beautiful legacy continue to offer a light of hope in our darkened world.
Of note, on the front page of the Carter’s center, we can see a lovely picture of Mr. and Ms. Carter with the following inspiring words: “We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace. We can make these changes — and we must.”
Jimmy Carter, Nobel Lecture.
Some of you, dear readers, might consider Mr. Carter a romantic dreamer. Some might say: oh well, an inept President or even an outstanding one, but that was it. Yet others may find his politics or legacy inspiring. Of course, some may disagree with his vision of peace. They may even dislike not only his ideas, but his character or his country too.
As far as Bambi is concerned, she does not know much about Mr. Carter’s internal politics in his own country. Plus, perhaps his external politics did not work that well in the end. YET, she has the utmost respect, along with deep gratitude, for him for having believed in AND worked for peace until age 100.
May peace and love fill our hearts. When we truly love, we compromise. May the latter practice, and its resulting peace as an outcome, prevail in our meaningful relationships, domestically, in the Middle East, and around the entire world.
The above being said, and if she may now, Bambi will end this tribute by sharing with you an email that she allowed herself to send to Mr. Jimmy Carter, via his centre, on August 20, 2015. She will also share the centre’s thoughtful reply in his name. The email was entitled “A Get Well Message to President Carter“.
“Hello Madam/Sir:
I would be very grateful if you can share my note below with President Carter, please. I do not expect any response but it is very important for me to be able to share this with him. Thank you very much. Just FYI (as your website seemed to ask for): My mailing address is: Rima Azar… etc.”
Dear President Carter:
Thank you Mr. Carter. More than ever, the dark bloody Middle East that I originally come from, and the whole world (with its tragic conflicts here and there) need a peace visionary like you. Rare are the men and women in Politics who know how to inspire us, whether domestically or internationally. You are one of these rare public figures. Thank you for all your efforts, for the inspiration, and for the hope. Please keep up the great work– you, your staff, and mentees/students! One day, diplomacy and common sense will be fruitful. One day, peace will know how to prevail. For the time being, and from the bottom of my heart, I pray for your health and inner peace during your cancer journey. You take good care, please.
Rima Azar, Sackville, NB, Canada.
“On behalf of the Carter’s, and their staff here at The Carter Center we would like to thank you so much for your well-wishes. They mean a great deal and are sincerely appreciated.
The Carter Center”.

Carter was indeed a manipulative politician as well as a symbol of betryal.
Political researcher Arvin Khoshnood wrote on X about Carter: “He bears responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iranians. By actively supporting Khomeini and enabling the Islamic Revolution, Carter is complicit in every life lost to the regime’s brutality and inhumane policies over the past 45 years.”
This is what most people who have researched about 1979 iranian revolution belive in. There are many many books and articles available to read, so you can undrstand better who this manipulative, oil lover president was.
I hope Carter is enjoying his time in hel.