The Abraham Accords (2022) were a piece of good news that preceded the current round of DARK times of the Middle East. Think of it, these historic accords resulted in the United Arab Emirates and Israel building economic ties. This key step toward peace and development, instead of continuous hatred and destruction, was the clever work of the former administration of Mr. Trump (i.e., Mr. Jared Kushner, a young American businessman-investor). Why is Bambi saying so? Because she is fed up of wars and she strongly believes in the following: reason to solve conflicts (not ghosting or boycotting), business mindset, development, openness, collaborations, peace (live and let live), and even eventually love among both individuals and nations.
Bearing the above in mind, it is with much sadness that Bambi learned about the assassination of Mr. Zvi Kogan, a young ultra-orthodox rabbi who operated Rimon Market, a Kosher grocery in Dubai (https://tinyurl.com/mrxetvhh). May his soul rest in peace and memory be eternal. May the same G-D/God/Allah support his family. May love, not just peace, prevail in the Middle East and in the entire world.

May he rest in peace. Glad to read the UAE authorities are taking this tragedy seriously and that police there have arrested three suspects. Their peace treaty with Israel is having at least *some* good effects.