Regardless if it would be called “hateful” or “terrorist”, following investigation, NO to VIOLENCE in Canadian schools, including the Jewish school for girls in North York which was re-targeted again

On May 30, as per an older post shown further below, Bambi denounced a shooting at a Jewish girl school in North York (Ontario). Thankfully, no one was injured back then.

Sadly, yesterday on the symbolic day of Yom Kippur, another shooting targeted the same school overnight. No one was injured, thank Goodness. This unacceptable violent incident is still being investigated by the police (

Of note, similar violent incidents took place in Montreal during the last academic year ( However, in all Canada’s provinces and territories, there must be zero tolerance for violence toward any public or private school, including both secular and religious ones (whether Jewish, Islamic, or other). This is the least at all times, to begin with, and especially during a senseless yet cruel war, which is taking place miles away, including in Bambi’s birth country more recently.

Indeed, all Canadians deserve to grow up, learn, work, and live while being as well as feeling safe. Thus, enough of intimidation toward youth and parents of Jewish heritage in our peaceful country. It is no one’s fault if there is an armed conflict in the Middle East.

Instead, why don’t we learn or re-connect with the value of tolerance, as per the beautiful French song of Mr. Enrico Macias shared below? It is performed, with a personal touch, by a talented singer, Mr. Pascal Leyman. Below, you can read the song’s lyrics, which Bambi translated on her blog three years ago (English is followed by the original French).

“Tolerance is proof of love and intelligence

Tolerance is respect for life in all countries

Tolerance is to have a lot of indulgence for your neighbour

Open your heart instead of clenching your fists

For no reason for nothing

All forgiven for the tears

Of a child or of a woman

We are never loved

By fear or by severity

Understanding the ideas of others

Without wanting to impose our own

It is in this world a virtue

That we lost

Tolerance is reasoning about the passions of difference

Tolerance means recognizing to everyone their divine rights

Tolerance is the last chance for today’s humans

If they don’t want to no longer live in freedom

in a few years

Despite the many disagreements that still exist between us

Everything can be discussed if we know how to forgive first

Whatever the naysayers of all stripes can write

Mourning the future, I still refuse

Tolerance will eventually win out over backbiting

And on that day, on earth

There won’t be happier than me”.

Original French lyrics of Mr. Macias’ song:

« La tolérance, c’est une preuve d’amour et d’intelligence
La tolérance, c’est le respect de la vie dans tous les pays
La tolérance, c’est d’avoir pour son prochain beaucoup d’indulgence
Ouvrir son cœur au lieu de fermer les poings
Sans raison pour rien

Tout excusé devant les larmes
D’un enfant ou bien d’une femme
On est jamais aimé
Par crainte ou par sévérité
Comprendre les idées des autres
Sans vouloir imposer les nôtres
C’est dans ce monde une vertu

Que nous avons perdue

La tolérance, c’est raisonner les passions de la différence
La tolérance, c’est reconnaitre à chacun tous ses droits divins
La tolérance, c’est pour les hommes d’aujourd’hui la dernière chance
S’ils ne veulent pas ne plus vivre en liberté
dans quelques années

Malgré les nombreux désaccords qui entre nous existent encore
Tout peut se discuter si l’on sait pardonner d’abord
Qu’importe ce que peuvent écrire les défaitistes de tous bords
Porter le deuil de l’avenir, je m’y refuse encore

La tolérance finira par l’emporter sur la médisance
Et ce jour là, sur terre
Il n’y aura pas plus heureux que moi»

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