Isn’t it sad and disturbing to hear a young “activist” from the “Palestinian Youth Movement” praise the “merit of martyrdom” in a vigil for Lebanon held in Montreal, Québec, Canada?

The Gazette informed us that a “Concordia student… spoke of the merits of martyrdom to the crowd at the vigil for Lebanon” (;

This young activist is free to think and also say whatever he wishes, of course (same for different opinions or no opinion). Bambi defends his right to freedom of expression. However, she would like to reply to him in this post, if she may.

If there is one word that she dislikes, and cannot stand anymore, in the Arabic language, it is actually the overused term martyr (or shaheed). Here is why: Innocent people of the Middle East (in all its beautiful countries, including both Palestine and now Lebanon) do no want to be “Shouhada” (martyrs). They want to live rather. They are struggling to survive this absurd war. So, please stop and think before educating your fellow Canadians about the value of death through this concept.

As an alternative, how about telling them about the will to simply live (ideally in dignity), to be safe, to dream of solutions, peace, and prosperity for a change? To live and be able to go to school, to innovate, to earn a living, to spread compassion and love around them and to the world, by extension?

If some want to die as “martyrs”, it is their own choice. They must not impose it on others who do not want to be caught in the middle of the shelling between Israel and the other fighters (Hezbollah, Hamas, and their Islamist sister organizations). For those specifically, your explanation of martyrdom applies well, especially from their point of view: “Martyrdom, to be killed fighting for a cause greater than yourself, is the most honourable thing you can do, and this is in itself is a victory“.

To say things more bluntly, if anyone from Bambi’s circle of dad, family, and friends die in this conflict, she refuses to call them martyrs. She will call them victims like the innocent people of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Irak, Saudi Arabia, Gulf countries, and… by extension the entire world where there are wars, including but not limited to Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, etc. Enough of violence and stop to the culture of death, please.

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