Stop the insanity: All the children of the entire Middle East deserve peace

This morning, Bambi started the day with news of shelling in Beirut, perhaps five-seven minutes away from her dad’s place. She rushed to the phone to call and check on him.

Now, at the end of the same day, she is hearing yet other worrisome escalating news from the Middle East. This time about missiles from Iran toward Israel. Who pays the price of any conflict? As usual, innocent people on all sides. Make no mistake about it.

May God/G-d/Allah of love have mercy on everyone. May God know how to protect the aching and apparently sinking boat of Lebanon with ALL its innocent people, along with those who have played with the fire.

Even if her mind, soul, and heart are with the people of her birth country as well as with her family and friends there, Bambi’s heart has enough room to also feel for all those suffering from this insanity. This includes the innocent people of both Israel as well as Palestine, the people of Syria as well as those in Iran (minus their unwise and illuminated Mollahs), those of the entire Middle East, and the whole world.

Enough of cruelty toward innocent people. Enough of playing with their lives and sanity.

2 thoughts on “Stop the insanity: All the children of the entire Middle East deserve peace”

  1. Praying for peace. We need more kindness and love in this world. Thinking of you and your family. Praying for your family and all who are suffering. Praying for Israel.

    1. Bambi thanks you Sari for your compassion and prayers. Thinking of your loved ones too. yes, well said: may kindness and peace prevail. May healing and love have the final word.

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