In general, and on average, young men tend to have more risky behaviour than women. Thus, they are often riskier to insure. Indeed, under age 30, and according to the Groupement des Assureurs Automobiles (https://tinyurl.com/2s49j3zw), the cost of insurance of a car against collision remains more expensive for men in comparison to women. Of note, between 16 and 20 years of age, the collision premium for men is about CAD $972 and the one for women is approximately CAD$780. Independent of age, men pay more. However, the gap narrows with age (https://tinyurl.com/2s49j3zw).
Bearing the above in mind, this post is meant to try to put a smile on your faces with an older brief sketch of Mr. Rudy Ayoub. In it, you can see Rudy’s dad, Rudy, and the insurance company employee all played by the same person. Yes, the talented Rudy :).
This being said, this post’s topic is making Bambi recall her first lessons and drive in the province of Québec. She recalls that one of her brother-in-laws told her once that she drives like a man. Well, she took it as compliment back then. However, after watching Rudy in this short video, she is not too sure about this anymore :). Thank Goodness, she is now much older than age 30. Indeed, 52 is a supposed to be a much wiser age. Is this fully reassuring? Well, maybe not really because between the ages of 45 and 64, “the frequency of claims for women exceeds that for men“, as reported by the Groupement des Assureurs Automobiles (https://tinyurl.com/2s49j3zw).
If you happen to be a driver yourself, please focus well on the roads while remembering to renew your vehicle insurance. Driver or not, please be safe at all times, especially when crossing busy streets or walking on slippery side walks. As for Rudy, it is Bambi’s wish that he will keep making you and her smile!

I’m sure that if it were the other way, it would be found to be illegal sex discrimination.
Why do women not pay higher pension contributions? On average, they live longer…
Interesting comment, Louis. Bambi thanks you.
Yes this is the reality of car insurance 🤣
Ask me , i am the expert 👍
True! Thank you Roula so much.