To begin with, Bambi is both proud of and grateful to Ms. Zeina Farah for having shared with her a moving Byzantine chant for Saint Mary in Arabic ❤️.
May Mary protect the gifted Zeina as well as her birth country and loved ones. Well, the latter wish seems biased, or rather selfish, because Zeina happens to be first Bambi’s cousin once removed :).
Happy Feast of Assumption of the Virgin Mary to this blog’s readers who love Jesus’ mother.
As far as Bambi is concerned, she is thinking of her late mom now who used to sometimes call Saint Mary “Im el Nour”, which means “Mother of the Light” in Arabic. She is also thinking of her dad who is honouring Mary in his prayers. May she protect him et al.
May the hope and beauty of lights always shine to: (1) enlighten the darkness in our troubled world and (2) the one that may reside within ourselves, all of us.
This being said, now is the time for Bambi to wish Acadians a “Bon quinzou” (yes, tomorrow) or Happy National Day. In doing so, she offers them Mr. Michel Fugain’s song!
Last but not least, Happy Birthday to Bambi’s childhood friend, Fadi. OK, she is allowing herself to make him a few hours older/wiser now :). “Akbel El Mieh“, Fadi ❤️!

What a stunning voice she has.
Thank you, Bonnie. Bambi is happy you enjoyed her voice!
As I do believe there is no coincidence in this life. All things work together for the good of the person. Let me tell you having you a friend wasn’t a coincidence at all. All things worked good to me and I’ve been blessed by meeting you.
Ohhh, Bambi thanks you, Fadi and she says the same. Bless you/your adorable family and bless our friendship ❤️!