Thank you: Bambi’s heart is deeply touched by her friend Gloria’s thoughtful gesture!

Bambi’s heart is deeply touched by the lovely and generous gesture of her friend Gloria.

As you can see below, Gloria thought of Bambi when she saw “her” (as a figurine) at a store during her travels :). Not only that, she also took time off her busy schedule, taking Bambi out to offer her a cute gift, which is now exposed at her house.

This post will end with a message to her friend: Thanks, sweet Gloria. In addition to being proud of you for all your achievements (i.e., past, current, and future ones), Bambi loves you ❤️. Your kindness, beautiful smile, and our chat brightened her day. Please keep being yourself, including your inspiring values, positive mindset, and wise attitude in life!

A picture of Bambi taken by Bambi 🙂
A picture of Gloria taken by Bambi at the delicious
Song’s Chopsticks Restaurant in Sackville, NB

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