Mr. Vincent van Gogh died on July, 29, 1890 at age 37 (https://shorturl.at/6gipU). May his memory be eternal. May his legacy always be cherished, as it is at the van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam where one finds the world’s largest collection of his paintings and drawings (https://shorturl.at/EULzx). Today, 134 years following van Gogh’s death, this post wants to be a tiny tribute to this great artist using his own words (https://shorturl.at/vXpSo) as follows: “There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people”.
Building on van Gogh’s words above, we realize that for different reasons some people are great, and inspiring, artists when it comes to the creation of love while others literally suck. Furthermore, the artistically incompetent folks in relationships could be inept, just as many are unskilled in arts. Of course, a smaller minority of the so-called inept artists of love may be not only simply incompetent, but also highly toxic (some even potentially dangerous!).
Bearing the diversity in the expression of love OR non-love, Bambi will end this post by asking you the following questions: (1) What is love?; (2) What is the meaning of love in your own life?; (3a) How can you tell that you have been (truly) loved?; (3b) How do you know that you (truly) love? (4) What would the world be without love?; and last but not least (5) generally speaking, regardless of your own artistic skills, what would have the world been without arts? Please feel free to share your comments on this blog or, more privately, if you prefer.