Authentically charming Warsaw, Poland: the beauty and nice vibes you sense from the air is what you get on the ground!

I fell in love with Warsaw, with its sweet people, and with the delicious Polish food!

Bambi and her spouse just returned from a week-long business and fun trip to Warsaw. In her case, it was her first time visiting Poland, the country of Mr. Marek Halter, one of her favourite (Polish-born) French novelists when she was a teenager growing up in Beirut. She discovered him, thanks to her late mom who had several of his books.

Perhaps like you too, Bambi loves languages, including Yiddish, the mother tongue of Mr. Halter’s parents. She does not know about you, but she likes the first name “Marek” a lot (equivalent of Mark or Marc). Indeed, she will allow herself to share a little secret with you now: the latter happens to be one of the several names she considered, in her mind (or was it her heart?) when she had expected, had it been a full-term pregnancy with a male newborn. However, life decided differently with three recurrent miscarriages.

Anyhow, to come back to Warsaw, this post does not pretend to be fair by sharing its charm, some of its moving history (e.g., Jewish Museum, Museum on Communism, old buildings with memorials about massacres from World War II), the kindness of people, even in a different language, and hospitality of residents (i.e., with the 1-2 million Ukrainian people who escaped the tragic war), the elegance of women in their beautiful dresses, sometimes even while biking, and/or impressions about the DELICIOUS Polish food AND candies. Mmm!

What this post will do instead is to share ten pictures Bambi took from the airplane, a time and a space between geographical places and on top of clouds. Is there anything more promising than the existence of such temporary (even when long) time and space, close to landing, where we know our origin and imminent destination, but where we remain in almost surreal moments? She hopes that you will enjoy the scenes as much as she did.

As for you, beautiful Warsaw, “dziękuję” [thank you] for the wonderful memories until hopefully next time… God knows when ❤️!

A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024
A picture taken by Bambi before landing in Warsaw, Poland, on July 13, 2024

4 thoughts on “Authentically charming Warsaw, Poland: the beauty and nice vibes you sense from the air is what you get on the ground!”

  1. I also want to visit Warsaw,Poland! My Father’s Family were born in Poland and I am hoping to see his Birth Place sometime in the future!! So glad that you and hubby had a great vacation–miss you lots!!

    1. Ohh– Bambi wishes you this trip as soon as possible, Sally! She loves you and thanks you for your kind words. May the memory of your dad and all his family be eternal.

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