About a month ago, Bambi discovered Mr. Rudy Ayoub’s talent, thanks to a dear reader, Mr. Fred Klein, as per the older post shown below.
Tonight, she felt like having fun before bed time. She thus searched Rudy’ new content and discovered two short videos she had not seen earlier. She will share them with you in this post, hoping this YouTube content would put a smile on your face.
As a reminder, “there seems to be a theme in Mr. Rudy Ayoub’s humour: the highly narcissistic dad who embarrasses the son in public or who insults him while also apparently caring for him (in addition to his image). There is also Clark, the friend, and Rudy’s dad who cannot remember his name. All these characters are played by Mr. Ayoub himself“.
Please keep on being creative, Mr. Ayoub. The world needs humour and lots of laughter!

Yes, at my local supermarket there’s a penalty if the cashier forgets to ask me to make a donation to children’s hospital. The penalty is against the supermarket as I get a free chocolate bar each time they forget to ask. I cashed in last year, winning three chocolate bars of my choice while the sick kids got nothing. That’ll teach them! Down with Hamas!