Picture of the day: since when can vandalism in Montreal free Palestine?

This picture shows a scene, which is starting to increasingly smell like our collectively insane times during the violent demonstrations in the name of BLM. Where is Ms. Valérie Plante to react to this vandalism at Square Victoria? How sad it is to, once again, use the Palestinian cause to destroy our beautiful Montreal and Canada. Enough of violence in Canada, this time in the name of the Middle East.

A picture taken from the Montreal Gazette

One thought on “Picture of the day: since when can vandalism in Montreal free Palestine?”

  1. That’s why I say each of those statues that gets vandalized should be reproduced in a series of statues in the East End of Montreal at the same height of Mount Royal, 770 feet tall. Standing side to side will be: Sir John A. MacDonald, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Gilles Duceppe (with cheese bonnet) and Jehane Benoît (Doyenne of microwave cooking in Canada).

    The statues will be equipped with modern lighting of course and a service elevator inside the body to transport cargo up to the head, where coloured balloons can be emitted through the mouth, nose and ears. Think of the possibilities…

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