Life can be too random, absurd, cruel, and unfair sometimes. After having battled an incurable illness for seven years, with both inner strength and an inspiring grace, Ms. Mélanie Renaud died today at age 42 only (https://shorturl.at/ctLZ1). Thanks to her for her GOLDEN voice and for whom she has been. We are grateful because she shared her talent with us all. May her memory be eternal. May God know how to comfort her grieving parents and siblings. May their faith, mentioned in the link above, ease their pain. Heartfelt condolences to her friends, mentors, colleagues, and fans. Bambi joins them in their sorrow in this post, which honours Ms. Renaud with her own voice and with a Céline Dion’s song as performed by Ms. Hiba Tawaji.

Que Son ame repose en Paix ❤️🙏❤️🙏
Merci chère Roula de la part de Bambi et indirectement de tous les lecteurs qui lui ont écrit discrètement à propos de Madame Mélanie Renaud.