“Chorale d’enfants de l’école de musique de Bois d’Arcy”: thanks to Mr. Patrick White and his students for singing for peace from out of France

If kids are all the same, they ALL deserve to grow up in love, as per Mr. Francis Cabrel’s beautiful song. Bambi just came across a publicly shared YouTube video, or rather audio (with French sub-titles), of “Il faudra leur dire” [We Should Tell Them], as performed by Mr. Patrick White and his talented young trainees. An English translation of the lyrics follows (https://shorturl.at/bkrG2). What a lovely and always timely performance. Bravo!

Il faudra leur dire” [We should tell them]

“If it’s true that there are people who love each other

If the children are all the same

Then we’ll have to tell them

It’s like perfumes you breathe

Just an easy look to make

A little more love than usual

Because we live in the same light

Even if there are colors they prefer

We would like to tell them..

It’s like perfumes you breathe

Just an easy look to make

A little more love than usual

Just a little more love still

For less tears

For less emptiness

For less winters

Since we live in the hollows of a dream

Before our tears touch our lips

We’d like to tell them

The words we receive

It’s like perfumes you breathe

We’ll have to tell them

Easy to do

A little more love than usual

If it’s true that there are people who love each other

If the children are all the same

Then we’ll have to tell them

The words we receive

It’s like perfumes you breathe

We’ll have to tell them

Easy to do”.

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