Happy Saint-Patrick’s Day with Mr. Patrick Sébastien’s energizing French song!

How can Bambi go to sleep without sharing this lovely song on the eve of Saint-Patrick’s Day? With much love, Happy Saint-Patrick to all of you, especially to readers of this blog of Irish heritage or those who are either called Patrick or whose children, nephews and/or cousins, are celebrating their name days! “Yalla”, raise your hand now if you successfully recognized yourselves from as far as Montreal, Washington or Beirut :).

2 thoughts on “Happy Saint-Patrick’s Day with Mr. Patrick Sébastien’s energizing French song!”

  1. This is excellent! Thank you, [Bambi]. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ort! Blessings of St Patrick’s Day on you!

    1. Oh how sweet. “Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ort” to you too and your loved ones! Bambi thanks you, Jeff!

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