November 7, 2022 (Robine’s last birthday)
Robine is lucky to have had close ties with her wonderful cousins who live between Chicago in the United States of America and Latakieh in Syria. Indeed, Bambi has always been inspired by this family love. In turn, she loves her mom’s cousins with all her heart ❤️. We are truly blessed to be a family united by love and care with friendships across the generations of cousins.
Today, Nuha honoured her cousin Robine by dedicating a mass service at her St. John the Baptist Melkite Catholic Church in Northlake, Illinois. On page 7 of the following bulletin, one can read the following: “For the reposed in Christ our beloved departed, Robine Feani by Nuha Ferraye “. Bambi would like to thank Nuha from the bottom of her heart. She is also grateful to the priest of her church for the prayer.
At her mom’s funeral in Beirut a few days ago, Bambi was deeply moved when she saw Marouma, Amal (Nuha’s sister) and “Sousou” (Nuha’s niece). They came to say good-bye and pay tribute to their beloved Robine all the way from Syria. Indeed, they started their road trip to Beirut at 6 AM in order to make it on time for the funeral service, which was at 2 PM. They spent 2 hours at the border, if Bambi recalls well. Much love to them ❤️, along with a big hug.
To conclude this post, Bambi’s heart goes to Nuha and to all her immediate and extended family. At her mom’s funeral, she heard a lot of “El Massih Kam” [Christ is Risen]. Bambi replied “Hakan Kam” [Truly Risen]. May your/our beloved Robine be in a better place, welcomed by this Jesus she believed in all her life, and may her memory be eternal.

Allah yerhama May she rest in eternal peace in the arms of Jesus. Robine was an Angel on this earth and continues to be an Angel in heavens. 🙏🙏
Oh Leila, MANY thanks for your beautiful and moving words. Thank you for being not just a youth friend to Robine and Antoine, but also a friend as well as family to Bambi. Bless your big heart 💜 and may the memory of our beloved Robine be eternal in heaven. Bambi sends you and Anis a big hug. Take good care, please.
May she rest in eternal peace🙏🙏Robine will be missed by all the ones who knew her because she was a special nice loving person ❤️❤️
Thank you, sweetest and dearest Maya ❤️❤️. Robine loved you beyond words. You, your mom (et al.!), your family with your beloved spouse and adorable boys. You are Bambi’s family, not just close childhood friend across generations ❤️. Her heart goes to you and may our beloved Robine rest in peace.
We really are a family ❤️❤️love you all so much ❤️❤️
MUCH LOVE from Bambi et al. Vive notre famille d’amour, chère Maya :). Take good care, please.