Nayla: a forthcoming birthday… and an enriching friendship!

Bambi will forever remain grateful for Nayla’s late dad who gave a little push to destiny, asking their elementary school if his daughter and Bambi could be in the same section of their class. Since then, a sisterhood was born, not just a friendship.

Nayla has enriched Bambi’s life and inspired her in so many ways, which are hard to put into words. Of course, like real sisters, at first they had their funny moments of little fights, in addition to their MUCH bigger and frequent moments of fun, humour, care, loyalty, and a deeply fulfilling friendship. The latter stood the test of time, civil war, migration, and other related hardships, along with many blessings.

When Bambi left Beirut at age 17, she had the impression that, if her life was a book, it would be written in two volumes called: Lebanon and Canada. In a few seconds, under heavy shelling and in-between street fights, back from a trip to Cyprus to the Canadian Embassy, she and her family said their good-byes to their loved ones while quickly packing. This felt like an abrupt end of the first volume of her life. Indeed, there were tears with everyone. Shy smiles or crazy laughter, along with the tears. Not with Nayla. They left each other with a waving hand in the air (after a hug), as if they would see each other the next day… at least with the same apparent certainty, even if in reality war always had the power to not let them see each other, ever again, at any point in time.

For years, the two childhood friends exchanged letters by mail (which took an entire month to reach both destinations) or via loved ones, who travelled between Montreal and Beirut back and forth. Then, for some time, they found themselves back to being neighbours in Montreal, just like in the olden times in Beirut. Later, there were many summer or Christmas holiday trips to Lebanon where they saw each other again. Not a long time ago, there was a very quick yet enriching tea-time in Montreal. Of course, the connection with childhood friends is always magically instant. No matter the age. No matter the place. No need for lengthy words to catch up on. It always feels as if they had left each other the day before… just like this unforgettable June 16, 1990.

Of note, Nayla is an integral part of this blog, enriching it with interviews and her lucid insights, following the Lebanese financial crash and the surrealistic Beirut explosion. Her husband is also a reader and a contributor. To both of them and their beautiful children, Bambi sends her love and fond regards. Just like Bambi’s own parents, Nayla and Rony brought their children to safety, far away from their beloved and troubled birth country. It is not easy to be parents at any time. Imagine during armed conflicts, a historic economic crisis, a pandemic, and a double blast. Surely it is also not easy to be migrating parents, adjusting to a new life in an adoptive country (during its lockdowns) while caring for their children’s own adjustment. This is why they have Bambi’s utmost respect and admiration.

In conclusion, now that Bambi celebrated her 43-year-old friendship with Nayla in just a few words, she would like to wish her a Happy Birthday :)! She urges her to continue to be what she excels the best at: her authentic and beautiful self; of course, in addition to all the inspiring rest, that is her multiple hats of the wonderful spouse, mother, daughter, sibling, friend, etc. Thanks “Nayoul” for being a third sister in Bambi’ life ❤️.

4 thoughts on “Nayla: a forthcoming birthday… and an enriching friendship!”

  1. Happy birthday my dear wife Nayoul ❤️❤️❤️ and thank you Bambi for this very touchy words about your childhood friendship with Her ! I can witness Nayla’s love and respect to you , the sister that she never had ! Kisses from Montreal

    1. Oh Rony, thank you! Bambi is touched by your comment (seen now with delay). Coming from you, it means the world to her (more than ever and you know why). Please take good care of yourself and of each other. Much love back to you (+ your family in your birth country) with a big HUG ❤️.

  2. Thank you so much my dear sister !!! I love you so much and appreciate so much our friendship !!! Thank you for your beautiful words and for many many years of friendship to come 🥰😘♥️🙏🏻!!!🎉🎁🎊🎂😍!!!

    1. Oh… Bambi is SO happy to read you Nayla (Nayoul!), flying above the clouds literally :). ENJOY your big day! It is officially today (at least according to her current time zone). MUCH love to you with a big hug! Long live our friendship and cheers to the years ahead ❤️❤️ :)!!

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