Making our inner sun shine year-round, regardless of the weather

Can I be your internal sun?

It may be sunny yet we may be going through a cloud of unpleasant times in our life. Alternatively, we may feel internally content even if it is cloudy outside like this summer in the Maritimes, at least thus far, where an unstable weather is alternating between being cool and warm. Independent of the weather and even life seasons, how about making our inner sun always shine all year round?

As the great philosopher (551-479 B.C.) Confucius stated, Happiness is not always in an eternally blue sky but in the simplest things in life”? If there is truth to the latter old Chinese wisdom, what are your own “simplest things” in your daily life? Are you aware of them? If so, do you allow yourself to take the time to appreciate them?

Another tip for happiness comes from Robine, Bambi’s mom, who recently said: “Think of beautiful things and the world around you becomes more beautiful“. Maybe this piece of wisdom is inspired by an old Lebanese saying that goes like this: “Smile and the world will smile back at you“.

Of course, “your” cloud may be too thick to make you (re)-connect with your inner sunshine or appreciate the outer light or warmth. In that case, as the proverb goes, “every cloud has a silver lining“. Indeed, even if you cannot see it (yet?), with increased lucidity and perspective, thanks to time, you can see a good aspect in every bad situation.

Before leaving you with music, Bambi wants to remember today, and perhaps also remind you of the following: Even in the worst situation, the promising aspect may lie in the potential for painful yet meaningful lessons, which are the essence of personal growth. Thankfully, we can learn something valuable from all our experiences, including about ourselves, and thus enrich our life journey.

2 thoughts on “Making our inner sun shine year-round, regardless of the weather”

  1. Thank you for brightening our days! affectionate regards to mama bambi, who even at a distance has the accurate words to lift our spirits!
    Mama bambi and Bambi have lots to celebrate as we approach July 13th..
    To life!

    1. Ohhhh– Dearest Katia, your words are so lovely and moving. Thank you!! Bambi (her mom et al.) all miss you so much! Bambi loves her faithful friend, so far and yet so close, who does not forget anything. Une vraie mémoire d’éléphant d’amour ❤️ :)!

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