Bambi would like to wish ALL those of you who celebrate July 4 a wonderful day ♥️!
Who knows? Perhaps Joëlle is running today for her beloved America [or “Amérique”], as she does every year, ending the competition with her classical jump in the air :)?
Well, “Jojo”, jumping or not, if you happen to be reading this post now, your childhood friend wishes you much joy, mixed with love, across the miles. Enjoy Dassin’s song ♥️!

Bravo Joëlle and Happy 4th of July!

Hi [Bambi],
I’ve heard so many lovely things about you and the interesting childhood experiences you and Joelle shared. Thanks for being such a special and dear part of her life. Your tribute to her today is incredibly sweet. I look forward to meeting you some day.
Dave Shields
Oh, hello Dave. What a lovely surprise. Bambi thanks you for your kind words and welcomes you on this blog! She will say the same to you: thank you for being in Joëlle’s life/heart and for indirectly being in Bambi et al.’s lives too. Can’t wait to have her and you over one of these days. Until then, Happy 4th of July! God bless you… and bless America too :)!