Thank you journalist and sister Roula Douglas for spreading positive thinking and kindness on Twitter. Planting the seeds of a positive mindset, for ourselves and for others, is part of daily life’s simple pleasures. Indeed, this can create a contagious sense of beauty and hopefully of personal, familial, and social well-being. Examples of the calendar shared by Roula include the following: “being grateful, writing a gratitude letter to thank someone, appreciating green spaces around you, doing something healthy that will make you feel good about yourself, and/or sharing a friendly smile with people you see…”.
May you all have a lovely month of June where we will officially welcome the summer season. During this month, some of us will celebrate our birthdays [remember to become wiser Rania and Michael :)!]. Some may go on vacation or have guests over. Others will be busy with work or with other life projects and hobbies. Of course, there will be stress and maybe sadly even distress for some. Of note, it is in chronic stress times that we need to be even kinder with ourselves while taking good care (e.g., more consciously eating healthy food, getting the sleep we need following a stressful encounter, listening to our body, respecting our limits, reaching out to a good supportive friend or family member if we need it, and remembering to include pleasure in our daily life, etc.).
To conclude this brief post, following Ms. Azar-Douglas’ public message on her social media, Bambi will leave you with an English kids’ song about being positive (sub-titled in English), hoping you will enjoy it as much as she did.