A picture taken from the internet
If you are reading this post from Canada’s New Brunswick, Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, have a Wonderful Family Day!
If you are reading this post from either Prince Edward Island or Nova Scotia, Happy Islander Day or Happy Heritage Day to you, respectively!
If you happen to be located in Manitoba, Happy Louis Riel Day to you!
Now, if you happen to be anywhere in United States, Happy President’s Day [Hi Rita, Marina, and Charbel among all your fellow citizens :)]!
This being said, this post will feature a family of ducks and… a, yes, a single bird.
First, the family of ducks lives in Zaarour, Lebanon; thanks to Hala for the superb pictures ❤️! For those who have never visited Hala’s Mediterranean country, you may be interested to know that Zaarour is known for its ski resort. The latter is located on the eastern slopes of Mount Sanine (Metn District, Mount Lebanon).
Second, you may perhaps wonder why didn’t Bambi feature a family from her own province? Well, it is because this family of duck cannot stand the economic crisis of Lebanon. It is impatient to migrate to New Brunswick, Canada. However, they have been waiting for their permanent resident visa for about five years [yes more than their age :)]! They are praying for the Canadian bureaucracy to move faster. Yes, this is critical for their fellow ducks and human Lebanese friends who are suffering much. Thankfully, for now, Zaarour’s cold climate is preparing them for Canada’s winter.
Last but not least, now is the time to share the pictures in question and end in music with La vie en Rose; a song performed in French, English, and Arabic by Ms. Talia Lahoud. However, before concluding this post , Bambi would like to clarify the following: she is not discriminating against New Brunswick (NB)’s beautiful species by featuring a family of ducks from abroad. Indeed, below you will also see two pictures of a stunning NB bird, which were taken by her friend Brittany in her own garden.
Happy Family Day to Brittany and her lovely family ❤️, to her Northern Cardinal (or Cardinalis cardinalis) guest, to future newcomers (ducks or humans, from Lebanon or anywhere else), and to all of you dear readers… wherever you are!