We all have wishes and dreams in life.
Some of our dreams may be impossible… and we find ourselves “dreaming the impossible dream, to reach the unreachable star” as per Mr. Joe Darion’s lyrics of the The Quest . The later is a famous song composed by Mr. Mitch Leigh. It is from the Broadway musical Man of the Mancha (1965).
When should we stop believing in our impossible dreams and give up on them? The answer will obviously differ based on the dream, dreamer, and the circumstances. Perhaps even the timing or stage of life in some cases. There is no single answer. There is no right or wrong outcome. There is the process inherent in each different learning journey from the dream in question to its outcome. The lessons learned may be life-changing and personal growth incredibly enriching.
Regardless, The Quest or La Quête is a song, which moves Bambi’s soul each time she listens to it because of its depth, beauty, and for personal reasons in her life thus far. One thing is sure in her mind: this song will remain eternal, regardless of the language and the performer. Thanks to all of them!