Happy 2023 again, everyone!
On the last evening of 2022, Bambi is having some fun playing a musical game while awaiting the start of the “Bye Bye”! The latter is an annual famous Canadian TV show, which originally began before Bambi’s birth (i.e. 1968). Produced in Québec, the Bye Bye features sketches satirizing the past year’s political, social, and cultural events. It always ends with a countdown to the next year.
Well, over the past 32-33 years, Bambi has never missed any Bye Bye since migrating to Canada. If she is travelling or celebrating somewhere, she always takes the time to watch this show either on TV or online in the following day(s). Why would she miss the opportunity to laugh about the passing year? Tonight, she will have the chance to watch this TV show live. Cool!
Anyhow, this post will only feature some songs she likes. Almost all of them were posted on her blog in the past year. Some more than once even. Perhaps only one or two songs she did not have the chance to share them with you yet.
For all sorts of reasons, Bambi has trouble choosing which song to sing while transitioning from 2022 to 2023? For each one of them, she has a reason to think it may the one. At times, she likes the song because of the fun melody. At other times, it is more due to the deep meaning of the lyrics.
If you have the time or feel like playing with Bambi, you may comment on your preferred or least liked song. Bambi would love to hear from you. If you need any translation of the lyrics, she will happily guide you to earlier posts or consult her good friend, Mr. Google Translate :). For now, she will stop her blahblahblah to let the music have the final word of the year. Happy 2023 to all! Oui, bonne année 2023 à tous ❤️!