Merry Christmas with Mr. Andrea Bocelli’s powerful voice: Isn’t “his” “Minuits Chrétiens” [Oh Holy Night] beautiful?

Bambi wishes her dear readers, especially those who highlight Christmas in one way or another, a Merry Christmas eve/day. She will do so in music with Bocelli’s beautiful voice. If she may, she will also add the following thoughts:

Be merry everyone, whether you celebrate or just respect the birth of “Baby Jesus” (tonight or maybe later in January?); whether you acknowledge his birthday, at least in the hearts of those who believe in him even if you don’t yourself; regardless of your own different faith or lack thereof, and last but not least regardless of your efforts of being, or just wanting to sound, too “inclusive” of others’ different traditions to the point of denying your own family heritage (cultural, historical, religious, etc.).

To conclude this brief musical post, please remember to be safe and let your hearts smile, not just during the holidays but throughout the year. Indeed, in addition to being enriching, life is more fun with smiles and/or laughter 🙂 ❤️!

6 thoughts on “Merry Christmas with Mr. Andrea Bocelli’s powerful voice: Isn’t “his” “Minuits Chrétiens” [Oh Holy Night] beautiful?”

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