Is there anything more moving than the lyrics of this prayer? Here is a quick English translation from Arabic for you. Mmm, what would have Bambi done without you, dear Mr. Google Translate? If she may, Bambi would like to dedicate this song to a reader who knows how to appreciate it. Yes, she is thinking of you, Achim, if you happen to be reading. She hopes you will enjoy this brief version. As for you Ms. Chantal Bitar, THANK you; Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
“When we give a cup of water to a thirsty person, we are in Christmas.
When we clothe the naked in the garment of love, we are in Christmas.
When we hold back tears from our eyes, we are in Christmas.
When we brush hearts with hope, we are in Christmas.
Christmas night nullifies war.
Christmas night love grows.
Christmas night erases hatred.
Christmas eve buries war.
Christmas eve the earth blooms.
On Christmas eve, love grows”.
Wow, this song is really something else. The melody is really beautiful, but the lyrics are even better. Thanks for the reminder, this song should never be forgotten, especially now in these days.
Bambi is happy you enjoyed it. What a beautiful song indeed. Thank you for your wise words, Achim.