Bambi and her spouse are lucky. Every year, about a month before Christmas, the Sackville’s parade of lights drives in front of their house. For those who do not live in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada, this is when all the trucks of emergency services parade through streets of the town, decorated with magical Christmas lights, along with a very special guest, and they honk. Who is this guest of honour every year? Of course, as you can most probably guess, it is Santa :)!
Well, tonight Bambi had the chance to stop the car at the intersection of Churchill and Bridge streets to step out in order to greet Santa and his friends. The streets around were filled with cute, and very excited, kids with their families, along with adorable dogs. Everyone was smiling!
A big thank you to the emergency services of our town for the magical moments. The latter have been bringing annual smiles to Sackville kids’ faces for the past nine years!
Like those kids and their parents, Bambi enjoyed the magic of these moments. While waving at, and shouting “Hello Santa” louder than the honking trucks, she could not help not to move back in time to her own childhood in Beirut. Back then, she had an annual personal tradition of acting as the neighbourhood’s Santa at the street corner of her building. There, she used to distribute candies to her fellow kids; her way of trying to put a smile on their faces following rounds of shelling or a series of explosions.
To come to our parade, below you can see parade’s route, along with a few pictures. Bambi will conclude this post, repeating her thanks to everyone involved in this beautiful and generous annual event. If she may, she would like to offer them all two Christmas melodies; one is meant for you Santa :). Yes, it is “Petit Papa Noël”, a song that still moves Bambi’s heart.
Merry Christmas season to all!

9th Sackville’s Emergency Services Parade of Lights. .

i love this wowwww wish one day can celebrate Christmas with you. love u Bambi
Yay, Rana! Yes one day “inchallah” as we say in our mother tongue :). Bambi misses you and loves you too so much!