Sadly, the world of music lost you, Mr. Rachid Taha, on September 12, 2018. You were born 59 years earlier in the month of September as well, precisely like today, that is at the very end of the summer. May your memory be eternal and many thanks for having existed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachid_Taha).
To honour your memory, Bambi would like to post your own beautiful song Ya Rayeh [Hey Migrant, where are you travelling?]. It is sub-titled in English for the readers’ convenience. Mind you, it is for Bambi’s own convenience as well since it is quite hard for her to understand your nice Algerian-Arabic dialect (just a few words here and there). If she may, she will also conclude this brief musical post with Fairouz’ song on the last days of the summer, as a tribute to the timing of your birthday. Thank you for your talent!