Why can’t shameless corrupt politicians, in Beirut, Lebanon, be hit by sanctions instead of principled Councillors, like Bruce Phinney, in Sackville, NB?

Thanks to the Warktimes for keeping us informed about municipal affairs in the Town of Sackville in the beautiful New Brunswick (Canada):


With all due respect to the peers of Councillor Phinney, to the residents of Sackville (i.e., locals, temporary, and/or those moving out of it), to our talented MLA, Ms. Megan Mitton, whether we agree with all her politics or not, Bambi cannot help not to comment on the article with the following words:

Councillor Bruce Phinney has earned NB citizens’ respect over the years because he is genuine, principled, and trustworthy. It is not surprising then that human and animal (i.e., deer) of Sackville have the utmost respect for his public ethics.

To hear about a second round of financial sanctions against him, while he is supposed to be relaxing with his family in another province, is shocking although not surprising. Imposing a training on a smart AND decent public servant like Councillor Phinney is insulting not just to his voters or supporters, but also to all those of us who still value decency in public life.

To conclude this post, Bambi cannot help not to be sarcastic as per the title of this post: Why do decent politicians have to be punished and those who indulge in criminal negligence in Beirut (blasts, systemic corruption, etc.) remain unaccountable?

3 thoughts on “Why can’t shameless corrupt politicians, in Beirut, Lebanon, be hit by sanctions instead of principled Councillors, like Bruce Phinney, in Sackville, NB?”

  1. I just watched the youtube video of that town hall theatre performance – the villians are out in the open now – thanks for standing up for Bruce here – I know he appreciates the people that have his back and respect free speech – I hope that more people make the effort to really see what is taking place with the ‘technocracy’ class here in this town — Its not a democracy at all and has not been for years – best wishes to you for a happy summer and here’s to Bruce Phinney the only town councillor I find relatable in this town of order followers. One looks to the future with “Town of Tantramar” as new territory and possibly less tyranny!

    1. Bambi thanks you Sally for your kind words and best wishes. Same to you.
      Thank you for also standing up for Councillor Bruce Phinney and for the least in a democracy: freedom of expression of elected politicians.

  2. As someone who voted for Councillor Phinney, I find this unacceptable to the extreme. He represents ME on Council, and he’s the ONLY Councillor that does.

    This is, to put it mildly, ANTI-DEMOCRATIC.

    In fact, it’s extremely similar to the moves that this Council (with the exception of Councillor Phinney) did to *me*. Except that this time, it’s even worse, because it attacks the democratic nature of the municipality itself.

    R.I.P. Democracy in Sackville. If there ever was any.

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