A picture taken from the internet and previously posted on this blog
Mr. Pierre Poilievre, one of Ottawa’s talented and perhaps promising federal politicians, recently made a point about the value of bitcoins by purchasing the most preciously delicious item in the world… Yes, a Lebanese shawarma made in Ottawa :).
Regardless of any economic point he wanted to score, being clever and having known how to encourage Mr. Justin Trudeau to answer “yes/no” questions in former ethics investigations, Mr. Poilievre seems to have a good culinary taste. If only for the latter, bravo to him.
If she may, and to thank him for honouring the shawarma, Bambi will offer him three videos. The first one is produced by the funny yet serious Mr. Marc Hachem from Montreal (Québec). In it, he argues for the need of cryptocurrency in his birth country, Lebanon. The second video shows us the “secrets” of shawarma-making (subtitled in English), from out of Lebanon, thanks to Mr. Anthony Rahayel. As for the last but not least video, it is a kids’ lunch song.
Bitcoins or not, beef or chicken shawarma, with or without garlic or maybe an alternative vegan sandwich, whether you are allergic to the Conservative Party of Canada, a fan, or like Bambi at an equal distance from all political parties, bon appétit or “Sahteen” to all of you, as they say in Lebanon. The latter literally means: “I wish you two health” (likely one of them for your belly and the other for your spirit)!