Ms. Nancy Ajram’s song, subtitled in English, is based on a poem by the late and great Syrian poet Mr. Nizar Qabbani. His moving poem is entitled “To Beirut The Female, With Apologies”.

Bambi's Thoughts
Ms. Nancy Ajram’s song, subtitled in English, is based on a poem by the late and great Syrian poet Mr. Nizar Qabbani. His moving poem is entitled “To Beirut The Female, With Apologies”.
Is there anything more magical and powerful than love in life?
Is there anything more meaningful and strong than the power of hope in life?
The two beautiful Arabic songs, featured in this post, are all about love and hope.
Indeed, the first Fairouz’ love song is called “Ya Ana Ya Ana“. The talented singer is Mr. Omar Kamal. First, Bambi would like to dedicate his song to her cousin Joumana because she kindly introduced her to it, as per the first old post shown further below. Second, she will also offer this lovely song to her friend Jacinthe because she appreciates Mr. Kamal’s voice.
As for the second song, it is entitled “Meeting people”. If you do not understand Arabic, you may wish to read the translation from Egyptian-Arabic to English shown below. First, Bambi will offer Ms. Yasmine Ali’s song to her sister Roula because she kindly made her discover it. Second, if she may, she would like to offer this song to you Achim, as a regular reader of this blog, because you once contributed a beautiful comment about its lyrics. You did so by integrating them to those of another song (these insights appear in the second old post shown further below). Last but not least, if she may, Bambi would like dedicate this uplifting song to all those who may have lost hope, whether in wars, pandemics, or any other hardships in life.
May love and hope prevail not just in songs, but also in our hearts, minds, and world!
“We meet new people, we leave other people.
Our life can change, or turn upside down, in one second. What can we do?
This one is harming another person, this one is being hurt. This one is living in the past.
And our life conditions are baffling. If we are satisfied, they will deteriorate. Yes, we will be upset.
And whose life is always safe? No one can guarantee the future days.
The one who is satisfied with his life conditions and differentiates between “halal” (good or allowed in life) and “haram” (unlawful or prohibited).
A question and its answer, we know it, although one day we will forget it, and what do we take with us in the end?
As long as we leave the world and we will leave it, why will we be upset?
A piece of advice, just live and do not let anything disturb your peace of mind.
Take one minute only to look around you and you will see the sun shining brightly.
And then, at the height of the night, you will see the beautiful moon enlightening you.
Other than joy and laughter, do not leave in your features when you will go.
What are you arranging and calculating? What will happen will end up happening to you.
Hope is so close to those who want to see it. You will be optimistic, and life will laugh back to you, in the blink of an eye, and the world will be yours.
Our lives are hours that we paint and beautify with colours.
With one colour, we choose to end life and with another colour we can give our life safety.
Tomorrow your worries will pass; there is nothing that shall not pass.
A life that wants you to be strong; the more you feel empowered, the fullest you will live.
We meet new people, we leave other people.
Our life can change or turn upside down in one second, what can we do?“
They say a picture is worth 1000 words.
Imagine when a picture is taken by someone you think highly of, love, and miss. All of a sudden, the picture seems to mean even more unspoken words ❤️ .
Keeping the above in mind, Bambi is impressed, yet not surprised, by Bente’s talent in celebrating Japan’s beauty with her new professional camera. Thank you [Dank u well :)] for having kindly accepted to share your pictures with the readers of Bambi’s blog.
To thank you, following your beautiful pictures, Bambi would like to offer you three songs today. The first is “Il venait d’avoir 18 ans” sang by Dalida in the Japanese language. The second and third songs always make Bambi and her spouse think of you: As you can guess, these are “C’est une belle histoire” in both French and Dutch as well Mr. Jacques Brel’s “Dans le port d’Amsterdam” in Dutch :).
To conclude this brief post on Japan’s beauty, namely in the spring time, please keep on making things happen in life Bente. Bravo for taking the time to enjoy the moment, regardless of the place or stage of your life. As usual, much inspiring wisdom at a young age!
Thank God there is music in life to entertain or inspire us.
Thankfully, there is also something called a sense of humour (at least for those who still know how to nurture it).
Bearing this in mind, thanks to a Lebanese-American radio station, tonight Bambi discovered a new song (the latter may be a well-known one, but not by a dinosaur). She later found this bilingual melody on Youtube, hoping you will enjoy it too.
Even if she was sleepy, when she first heard “Danse avec moi“, Bambi felt the urge to dance. While later watching the video, she had an additional urge, which was to applaud… while dancing.
Anyhow, bravo to Ms. Hayfa Al Fakih (director) et al. for this excellent production. Thanks to Ms. Mirva Kadi and Mr. Shady Farrah (singers), along with their fellow musicians and dancers, for the fun moments!
This post is full of musical talent… and no, this is not an April Fool’s joke.
Thanks to Youtube, Bambi discovered a moving voice today. She is eager to share it with you.
Of note, this young French singer was born in 2005. Her full name is Ms. Erza Muqoli (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erza_Muqoli). The meaning of her first name is a cedar (at least in the Arabic language). Lovely coincidence since her beautiful and powerful voice seems to be as strong as a cedar!
If you wish, in the video shown below, you can listen to Ms. Erza Muqoli’s unique interpretation of “La Bohème“. Enjoy!